checked jacket & docs

Black Knitted Headband – Primark, Jacket – Brother’s Wardrobe (Again!), Boots – Docs

So I’ve pinched something from my brother’s wardrobe again. Boy’s clothes are just so much comfier. I can’t help but love fitted clothes.. but nobody can say they are comfy! What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him right? I’m guessing he doesn’t read fashion blogs & won’t notice that I’m actually posting half of his clothing on the internet. Ha.

Sorry there isn’t much to this outfit. I always feel like winter clothes are kind of limited due to the fact you end up putting a massive coat over them anyway! I can’t wait for it to get mega chilly so I can start including lots of cosy hats, scarves & earmuffs etc. The earmuffs are the best.. they make me look insane. 

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