tartan & turtle neck

Sunglasses - H&M, Dress - Local Cheap Shop, Turtle Neck - H&M, Bracelet - Born Nostalgic, Socks - Topshop, Creepers - Ebay

Not the most appropriate outfit for the chilly weather but we all know I get bored of tights. I popped some on before I went out don’t worry! I think even my goosebumps had goosebumps.

This dress is an oldie I got from some cheap shop in Leeds. I got it around the time everyone went crazy for them, you remember when Rihanna wore a similar one on X Factor & looked a massive babe?! I’m still wearing mine a year or so later, mainly because tartan is one of my winter faves. I’ve been wearing just about everything with turtle necks at the moment. They just look good with everything! They’re such a flattering fit & I think this black one is extra lovely. Somebody needs to buy me a whole batch of them or take this one off me!

I better get off as it’s my uni Christmas ball tonight! Eeeek. I’m going all out with the glamour and festivities. I’m hoping there’ll be a mince pie or ten..

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