new baby pink hair

Choker - DIY, Top - c/o SheInside, Trousers - H&M

I posted about my new pink (ish) hair on Instagram & Twitter, so I thought those of you who haven't seen it or want a bit of a closer peek wouldn't mind this post! You’re probably looking at these pictures thinking this isn’t much of a drastic change, but for me it’s quite a biggie as I’ve literally always had the same hair. Other than the odd disastrous moment (I have had a few bleaching mishaps in my time!), my hair has always been quite long & blonde. I fancied a bit of My Little Pony hair so thought I’d give the L’Oreal Pastel Toning Conditioner in Pink Panther a go. What do you think to the results?! It’s kind of a backwards ombre isn’t it? I quite like that, I love the traditional way of having coloured tips but it’s nice to try it the other way round.

The pink is only supposed to last a few washes so it’s worth a go if you’re a bit of a scaredy cat like me. I only left it on for 5 minutes instead of 15 as I had a massive panic thinking it was going to ruin my hair.. I definitely wish I’d not been a wimp & had gone for the 15 now! Have any of you guys tried these semi-permanent dye thingymabobs? I know a lot of people said it didn’t work for them, so I wouldn’t get it if you’re expecting amazing results. I used plenty of toner beforehand & lots of my blonde bits are really light, which probably helped. I'd say it's definitely worth a go if you're fancying a change for a few days.. I wanted pink for the Easter Bunny! Now lets all go our body weight in chocolate. 

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