Onesie - Accessorize

Firstly, how did Christmas go?! I hope you all had the most lovely of days surrounded by loved ones, presents & pigs in blankets.. Apologies to any vegetarians out there but my days they are a treat!

With the big day itself over, I always think that Boxing Day is time to be spent in PJs, recovering from a food coma whilst watching a good film. Unfortunately for me, I'll be back to work helping out you hardcore sales shoppers! I don't really mind, I know there are plenty of people out there who have worked throughout Christmas (big up to our nurses, doctors, servicemen etc!) and that's a good reality check for me moaning about missing out on a duvet day. The moment I get in I'll be jumping in a onesie like the one above (is it wrong to have at least 5 one pieces?!) and heading straight for those turkey sarnies. This slouchy number I've got on is beyond comfy and means you can ignore the food baby for a little bit longer. 


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