15 February 2015


I really enjoyed writing last week's post (and seeing that some of you could relate), so I thought I'd come backatchya with another blogging themed list. When I started blogging I had no idea what it was all about and what it could lead to. I still have days when I feel like I've no idea what the fudge I'm doing, but I think I've managed to learn a lot along the way.. whether it's a new skill or a life lesson that sticks.

1. Social media will be your best friend.
I guess coming from someone who works in social media this is a little biased, but I'd say a lot of bloggers would agree with this one. Blogging tips I’m not really good at, but if I did have one this would be it. I love being involved in all the social side of it, even if it’s only for a nosey at the latest must have product. It’s a great for getting your blog out there and it's nice to have a whole little network of people interested in the same kind of stuff.

2. Photography is a (long) learning process.
How can two pictures taken a second after each other look like you've taken them on different days, in different climates and in a completely different spots? Photography will forever baffle me, but when I think back to starting with blurry pictures taken on my phone I feel like I’ve done alright. I'm still by no means an expert, but it's one of those things you can play around with and learn as you go.

3. People can want a lot for little.
I say 'can', because on the whole brands are great to work with.. But I would say that there are times when I've felt like people take the mick a little. There's a lot expected from bloggers these days - professional looking shots, good social presence, quick turnover with posts.. it's one of those growing lists. In reality, and what I think people need to remember, is that most of us are normal folk having a bash at all this stuff.

4. Girls can actually be nice.
I left school thinking most girls were frightening.  All the bitchiness and popularity contests definitely put me off and I stuck to a few close girl friends. I think blogging has helped a lot in restoring my faith. I've come across so many lovely ladies over the last few years, who actually want to be nice and are happy when things go well for you, rather than peeing on your parade. I'm not saying every blogging lady is a saint, but the whole little community has shown me that not every girl is going to be mean.

5. You'll find plenty of things you're actually good at.
Whether it's sticking together collages or organising your time with military precision, there are plenty of new talents to acquire through blogging. Along the way I’ve learnt that there are things I can do that I never would have thought I would have been able to. These days about 50% of what I add to my CV is stuff I've picked up through blogging.

6. You'll pick up on things about your appearance that you never would have noticed.
For me, I definitely think blogging makes you very self aware. Not in a 'ooh I love looking at my face' kind of way, just in the sense that if you're taking a lot of pictures that involve yourself, you're going to notice stuff. Would I have noticed all the things I've picked up on from a few Facebook pictures from nights out? I doubt it. I feel like taking blog pictures means you know every little bit of yourself, which isn't always what you need when you've had a massive break out or your eyebrows have gone AWOL.

7. Self satisfaction is one of the best feelings.
When you've got something you really can't wait to blog about and there's that little vision of how it's going to look, it's always nice to see the final result and be happy with what you've done. I try to treat blog posts like little school projects these days.. Do a bit of planning, create the content then finish it all off. When it finally goes live and you're pleased with how it's gone it's like GIVE ME A GOLD STAR.. or chocolate, chocolate will do.

8. How to be organised.
Sometimes I feel like my life is scheduled. Ha. Starting blogging as a scatter brained student quickly helped me become much more of a ‘grown up’. Yeah, I still forget to do stuff but usually I find scheduling helps me keep things in check. Having said that, I did manage to tweet about a post for ages though before realising I’d not actually pressed publish. Everyone has slip ups..

9. Comparison is the thief of joy.
This will always be one of my favourite quotes. It doesn't matter what people tell you or how hard you try, comparison is always going to be a natural thing. Even if you're doing super amazing, there's always that little niggly part that tells you so & so is doing better. I think it's something you have a learn to deal with when you're blogging. There are so many people to compare yourself to and it's easy to get too focused on. Yeah, they might be doing amazing but that doesn't mean you're not too.

10. How to make yourself look a lot more attractive than you actually are.

LOL. Can I have a Valencia filter just for everyday life please? I'm just going to put it out there that it can take a long time to get that amazing selfie or blog picture, and I'm under no illusion that I look quite as good without the help of a filter, decent lighting and a whole lot of makeup. It doesn't take long to work out how to take a picture of yourself to avoid looking like a thumb. So yeah, all these little tricks we use definitely help.

So they're my main ones. Feel free to pop yours below, I love hearing about this kind of thing! 



  1. Great post, I agree with so many of these. Blog photos take forever and yes you develop such a critical eye for photography but like you said recognising so many new things about how you look! xx

    Laura | lauraslittleloves

  2. I'm a newbie blogger but so far I definitely agree with social media being a big help! x


  3. I think I've definitely learnt that it takes a few tricks to make your instagram go up. Every picture takes time to get the best lighting and layout of whatever you're photographing. Drives my boyfriend crazy when I'm like wait... move it there... move that out the way :') x
    georgie on the wall

  4. You are so right about this list ! Especially with the brands, there is a lot of pressure on bloggers today and I know a lot of girls that don't even start their own blog simply because they feel intimidated from the beginning. Comparison is truly the thief of joy. Every time I let myself compare my blog to someone else's, I feel soooo down for days !

    Win Pink in Tokyo clothing on my blog !

  5. Such a great post and I agree with all your points, blogging has taught me so much!
    Maddy, xo // UNSTITCHEDD

  6. Love this list, I have learnt so much from blogging, especially in terms of photography xo

    EmsAlice // Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  7. I'm a total newbie to blogging but I completely agree with number 2! Mastering the art of the perfect blog post picture is harder then I thought! X


  8. i definitely needed this little reminder! ;)


  9. True, photography is a learning process.

    || D I A N A ||

  10. I agree on you point that girl's can actually be nice. That is probably the biggest thing I have learnt so far and something I am not quite experiencing in 'the real world'.

    Becoming Becca

  11. I feel that I am learning new things each and every day when I am blogging! ^ ^


  12. I think this is one of the best posts I've ever read!
    A few brands have started contacting me recently and they want posts turned around so quickly it's unbelievable. Its not like I work full time aswell as running my own blog! X
    Charlotte - http://charlottesophiaroberts.blogspot.co.uk

  13. Thanks for the tips, am fairly new to blogging, so these were much needed! :)


  14. 4, 7, 8 are some things that definitely resonate with me! I've just started and I'm trying to keep myself organized. Thank you for the post.


  15. I'm starting up a blog and reading this has been super helpful. I wish more bloggers would share what they've learnt and their truths. Great post! :)

  16. Love it how you're so down to earth, your tips and advice are so relatable and helpful! And you're funny as well! Chocolate for every little project and post would be awesome! Social media is a godsend and without my instagram I don't think my blog would even exist. Definitely Agree with Georgie, my poor sister and boyfriend having to take my pictures and deal with my fussy eye! Your pictures are so great, you should be very proud of yourself. Thank you for constantly inspiring us! Xx


  17. I love this post, you made some great points and you're spot on with everything you've said.

    Danielle ||Miss Sunshine & Sparkle

  18. I started blogging in January and even now I can see some of these points in myself and my blog :) great idea! x

  19. New blogger, but I totally agree withyou.

  20. Great list! Comparison really is the thief of joy. I went a few weeks where all I was doing was comparing myself and my blog to others... definitely a bad thing to do!!


  21. Some great tips there, I think the comparison one is really important no matter what point you're at.


  22. Aha I definitely agree with all of these. i mean my photogrpahy has come on leaps and bounds and I'm even considering studying it now. Blogging gives me a chance to practice it very regularly. I also agree with the girls being nice thing, I think in society girls are put way too much in competition with each other but in the little (well pretty damn big actually) blogging bubble there are so many lovely people who are more than willing to help each other out and compliment each other. It's definitely very rewarding <3

    The Quirky Queer

  23. Really liked this post! Super helpful since I'm a new blogger learning about all this is pretty daunting at times and this has set somethings straight!

  24. 'Comparison is the thief of joy' is such a fantastic quote/lesson. I'm going to have to remember that one! Love this post, all of the points are 100% true!

  25. Great Post! Thanks ;)


  26. Love this post!! Waiting for another one!! ♥


  27. Fantastic post!! So glad to have found your blog.


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