8 March 2015


So I'm back with another one of my blogging related thingymabobbies. I'm queen of overthinking just about everything so I thought this one might be appropriate.. Enjoy!

I'm crap at photography. Seriously, how do you get a blurry background?

Oh the blurry background. It's just one of those photography things I don't get. There's definitely more chance of a blurry Lydia than there is a blurry background. I'm better at photography than I once was, but there's only so much one girl, a tripod and a remote can come up with. Sometimes I'm okay with my pictures and sometimes I hate lighting, unpredictable weather, my lack of skills and anything else that means the result is one rather rubbish blog picture. 

In fact I'm crap at everything.

I'm pretty sure blogging can induce those 'woe is me' rubbish feelings where you decide you're awful at everything and the last talent you had was cutting & sticking at Key Stage 3. Yeah, you tell yourself there are people far worse off, but First World Problems are occasionally inevitable. It's not the end of the world that you managed to take a load of pictures out of shot or included an awkward typo in a post, but it is okay to have a little huff about it. These things happen.

What the heck is HTML and why does it hate me?

There have been times when I've decided HTML has a mind of its own. It doesn't matter what I do, my text will still be aligned completely the opposite to how I want it and no amount of Googling will fix it. Eventually these things get worked out, but I still have times when I've no idea what to do with it.

I look like a thumb in all these pictures. 

Did I have to pull that face? Did I have to let that Domino's Two for Tuesday food baby stick out quite so much? How could I feel like my face was completely normal and I was sucking in & sticking out all the right bits & yet the result is this?! Sometimes I will take what seems like a million pictures and I'll still look not find one that I like.

I've got too much to do and not enough time to do it. 

Fitting blogging in around life can be difficult, and I definitely have times when I have no idea how I'll fit it all in. When you're working and living your normal life it can be hard to find time for blogging. I tend to get the main bits done over the weekend then finish off in the evenings, but there are still times when I don't know how I'll get it all done.. Cue 5am write ups and blogging on the go.

Why didn't I think of that?

Having that moment when you've seen an amazing blog post and think 'why the fudge did I not have that idea'?! Sometimes people just get an amazingly simple idea and then it seems so obvious.. I've mentioned that it's easy to compare yourself in the blogging world and that also goes for comparing yourself with other people's content.

If I write this are people going to take this the wrong way?

If you're an over thinker, like me, I think this one will have popped up at some point. It's difficult to get your point across when all you're just giving people a few paragraphs on the internet. Sometimes I worry people might not get my sarcasm or my Honey Boo Boo references or think that I've said something in a completely different way to what I meant it. It's probably one I worry about more than I need to but I still find it a thought difficult to avoid.

HOW much can I say about a top? 

There are times when I have no flipping idea what else I can say about one bloody top or a pair of jeans. Really, it's a top, I like it. I'm done. That's all I've got. I'm guessing it's just like writer's block. Sometimes I can ramble on for ages about what I'm blogging about and other days it's like trying to get blood out of a stone.

More importantly, does anyone care?!

LOL. When I'm having one of those days when I've not got anything to say this usually pops into my head. Is anyone even going to read this?! Does anyone really give a crap about why I've worn trousers today instead of a dress?! I know myself I tend to flick through blog posts for the pictures & where things are from, so I can completely understand that other people do it too.

What did I do with my life before blogging? Was all this time I spend on my blog spent sat like a potato? 

When I think about all the time I spend blogging I do wonder what I actually used to do with myself. Was I a plant? There are other things I enjoy doing outside.. But there still must be a big part of my time that was once spent reading the Daily Mail (forgive me) way too often and watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians more than I should have.

I could think of a fair few more but as I said, I'm an over thinker ha. I'm hoping these are relatable and not me that's just a big worry pants/stress pot. Feel free to pop the thaaangs you're always thinking about in relation to blogging below, I larrrrve reading the comments on these posts.. Always a good giggle! 



  1. Oh gosh this was so true yet funny !
    Dont worry, I think your blog is amazing ! I try to visit and comment when I can, but it's always a pleasure when I come on your little space of the internet :) Your posts are always interesting and well put together !

    You really inspire me,

    Love from France, Victoria

  2. Haha this post made me chuckle, so true! I always think, what did I do with my time before blogging (and netflix) were in my life?! But I have to say I don't think your pictures are ever crap!! :)

    Tilly xx

  3. I love this post! I have literally had every single one of these thoughts! And when it comes to HTML I'm just like.... What?! It really does baffle me, I'm not even clever enough to figure it out when google is helping me!!


  4. so true nice post because its so true and the thoughts of why am i even doing this whats the point.

  5. I can deffo relate to this! especially looking like a thumb, you always look absolutely unreal though! x

  6. These are all so true, can totally relate to these!
    Em x

  7. you're funny, have to say i agree with pretty much all of these!

    xx danielle // shades of danielle

  8. The thumb one we can all relate to!! Haha, especially I get concious of being photographed at events, I mean there's a reason specific photos make it on to our blogs; because we hand pick them over hundreds of shots from one look of the day. However when you are at an event or having others photographing you you can't exactly say 'hey, I look like a cats arse in this photo, delete!' Hope I'm not the only ones with these annoying thoughts! xx


  9. Such a great post - I have no idea what I did before blogging, after almost three years it's second nature now x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness

  10. Haha this is so true :'D I find it really hard to write about a simple piece of clothing or a shampoo, too and honestly I don't know if people care but I guess as long as you think it's the right thing to write it will be :)

  11. THIS so much haha x

  12. these are so funny! the one about having nothing to say about a top made me laugh. your blog is great though!


  13. gosh, I love this post so much, the hashtag #relatable has never been more appropriate than now! These list are seriously what I think about too when blogging, couldn't have put it better myself :D


  14. This is me all over, first class over thinking and self punisher! So accurate. You're photos are gorgeous though Lydia, you've no need to worry! X


  15. You've got as much time in the day as Beyoncé -that's what I try and tell myself when I feel like there's no time to do anything! X

    Black and Navy on the blog-

  16. You've definitely hit the nail on the head with this post!

    Andrea x

  17. Hahaha all so true!! xx


  18. haha so true... especially "What the heck is HTML and why does it hate me?", I'm glad that i'm not the only one! ;)
    xx carli


  19. Oh the blurry back ground. I have spent hours scrolling through blogs like Kenzas and researching how to get the perfect blur, - still crap with it.

    Petite Side of Style

  20. Hahaha I look like a thumb x

  21. Proper LOL-ed at this post Lydia, so true and I agree with 100% of it! My biggest downfall is thought number 8...

    How much can we REALLY say about a top is right! My creative thinking skills are required here but its not happening at all.

    More importantly, why didn't I think of writing this post? haha

    Emma | The Fashion Six

  22. does anyone care is the one i have all the time. now though i push it aside and tell myself hell yea they care your awesome lol.. but hey can you tell me how you got your picture to have that grey box in it with the writing.

  23. Haha really funny post (and also sooo right...)


  24. That blurry background though! Haha. They're best achieved when using DSLR cameras, I guess?

    Lime & Life

  25. I can totally relate with this post.. I ask myself these questions all the time, but like you say, sometimes it works out:) thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  26. Haha love these type of posts! I can definitely relate to a lot of these x

  27. haha this tickled me! Why is the always the daily thought process when blogging?!



  28. Such an entertaining read so glad someone other than me feels this way!


  29. I definitely always feel like a thumb in my photos! 😂

    Megan xo
    Thumbelina Lillie | UK Beauty & Fashion Blog

  30. great post! I could relate to a lot of it haha

    Vivi x

  31. I couldn't help but smile and not at every single point! You read my mind :) xx

    VanessaVonJames | Fashion Blog

  32. First, I continue to love and adore your little blogger series you are doing. Thank you so much for these posts.
    Second, I relate to literally all of this. Especially the "How much can I say about a top?" Thank the heavens for photos

  33. I have the same thoughts as all you've mentioned in this post, especially the 'why didn't I think of that' part! Loved this post.

    Emily // Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


  34. Really enjoyed this post and really loving the insights into blogging series. I'm genuinely always amazed how you, and bloggers generally, find the time to cram so much in, as I'm well aware of how much effort goes into even just posting a blog regularly. Tip of the cap. And looking forward to the next instalment x

  35. I love every one of your posts, so there's no need to worry about that! Especially one's like this. Thanks for creating another accurate insightment of what goes on in a blogger's mind, I certainly had a giggle! x

    Bridie | Upon My Sleeve

  36. Funny post but I completely agree with most of it!

    Feathers || http://ahsocute.com

  37. Yes, yes yes, to all of them! I feel like I should know how to do stuff and be better and everything by now, and have a bigger readership/more followers etc etc. sometimes I spend too much time, sometimes I feel like I'm neglecting it and get major anxiety that everyone who does read will leave me. I suppose we wouldn't care so much if we didn't like what we do xx 👌😙

  38. Photography is one of my biggest worries. No matter how much I edit or how many different angle shots I take it still looks crap
    Reinventing Neesha ♥

  39. I actually loved this post! Had me in stitches I have only recently started blogging and I love it but Im definitely still trying to figure out my photography stuff ! It doesn't help that my rooms pretty small and everything is built in wood! Pft trying to get pretty pictures on wood with bad lighting feels impossible! I keep wondering how many fake flowers can I buy to make my pictures more appealing!


  40. Great post! x


  41. Hahaha its so funny because everything is so true!! Especially times when i go "so... what else can i say about this top/dress/anything...I mean people can see from the pictures right..." Loved your post, and how you make it so realistic and relatable!

    X, Carina
    Running White Horses | Fashion + Travel

  42. Wow this was hilarious but tragically on point. Atleast I'm not the only one haha!
    Great Post!
    Bethany xo

  43. This post is so true !

    I'm so ashamed of my shity blog no one reads that only 2 friends know about it, I hide it, it's not even mentioned on my instagram (and I started it to be an extension of my blog...), I just suck, I keep going because I love it (and I'm a huge blog reader, since let's say 2008, I've always wanted one) but it's never easy, I'm always wondering why my pics turn so bad, why I don't know what to write (I could come up with a post like this but no point, it would be like writing a music lesson on my blog, I know nothing about it), am I that bad, what to do to improve it all...

    I don't understand html and last time I tried, I just let it go because I hate it, but I'm fine with it.

    I can relate to the "why didn't I think of that ?!", I'm comparing myself way too much to the others but I guess each blog is different, so the same idea could come in a totally different way.

    I don't put to much thought on my posts, it's mostly pictures then bla bla about it but sometimes I fear people will think "omg, that's so annoying, we got it, you got a new dress and nothing else to write about !".

    As you can see by my comment, I over think a little bit too much ahah, that's pretty much the same in all aspects of my life, I liked this post so bad because it made me realize "I'm not alone !" and that feels good, thank you, I know where to go when I want to read a good post. :)



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