26 April 2015


Granted, I am only 23.. A mere newbie to the art of being a grown up. Even so, I am no longer relishing studentdom or living off ma & pa. I'm a proper, real life adult. ICK. Indeed, there are lots of plus sides to being a fully fledged grown up person.. But there are also the not so great parts. Here are the 'adult thaaangs' I'm not quite yet okay with.. 

Ringing up for stuff.

I’ve got to do all this stuff by myself? The days when my mum would sort out all phone call dramz were the good ones. Ringing up the doctors to deal with power crazed receptionists? Rather not.

How quick everything goes.

It’s May next week. I rest my case.

Lacking money when you thought you’d have money.

I generally thought earning money meant having money. LOL. How foolish.. Girl gotta pay bills when she’d rather spend it on shoes and lipstick.

House stuff. Any house stuff. Don’t get it.

I feel like I should know about mortgages and all that shenanigans when I have no bloody idea. Thankfully, I can just about afford a brick when it comes to buying a house. For now, I can continue singing ‘lalalala’ and pretending I haven’t got to eventually do all that thaaang.


You mean.. this is actually what I do for the rest of my life? Like every day, for 40 plus years? No school holidays or anything? I’m not signing myself up for the next episode of Benefits Britain.. I do love working.. but that whole moment of ‘right, this is life now’ is a bit of culture shock.

Accepting the fact that you can no longer use the last of the teenage hormones as an excuse for being awful.

THIS IS SO NOT FAIR. Kevin and Perry style. Oh how I took for granted the excuse of being a youth and totes emosh.

Not only getting spots but also getting wrinkles. Brilliant.  

Apparently it ain’t a case of out with one and in with another.. It’s & an oily t-zone along the way. Fan-freaking-tastic.

The fact your parents have a way better social life than you do.

That moment I'm picking your ‘rents up from town at gone 11pm after I've had an evening sat watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians reruns and eating bread. UGH.

The amount of money you spend on food.

For me, the older I get, the more money I spend on food. Who knew £30 on posh nosh from M&S felt so good?

Considering if you’re going to still be awake for that 9pm TV show you want to watch.

Falling asleep at 8.30pm is actually a thing.

Having no one around to tell you to not eat pizza 3 days in a row.

Remember when sweets were the odd treat & going to McDonalds was an incentive for not being a horror child? The realisation at a certain age when you can eat whatever the hell is a big novelty, and probably why I end up averaging three packets of crisps a day.

Not yet becoming as sassy as Beyoncé.

Yeah, 23 year old me loves me a lot more than the 17 year old version did, but I did imagine by my 20s I’d have upped my sassy queen levels more. Less Bridget Jones moments if possible, and more of the Queen Bey vibes.  

Accepting that it’s unlikely you’ll ever be an astronaut or a professional surfboarder or a hip hop star.

It’s not like I’ve ever fancied having a bash at any of those things, but it’s kind of safe to say I’m beyond the point of deciding I’m up for it anyway. I had this feeling after leaving uni - while nothing was/is set out for certain, I am  on a route that isn’t likely to include walking on the moon or being Kanye’s BFF.

Wondering why people in clubs look like they’re freshly hatched from the womb.

Who are these infants? Where did they come from? In my mind anyone born post mid 90s should be reading Jacqueline Wilson books not drinking quad vods on an all nighter.

Having to know what you’re supposed to be doing with your life.

I’m sorry? Just no.

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  1. This is too true. I'm on the brink of finishing university and am so not ready for the culture shock! It hasn't quite hit me yet, but I'm sure once Iim sat in my room at my home surrounded by the last three years worth of belongings it will truly hit. haha

  2. Agree with all of these! I'm 23 this year as well and struggling to accept adulthood. Especially the fact that now being in full time work and no longer a student still means I have no money - I thought I'd be buying all the make up in the world haha! Stupid bills :(


  3. Absolutely love this and totally agree! x


  4. Such a great post, and i love the way you write.



  5. Absolutely love this! laughed so much at the keeping up with the kardashian's one it's literally me :L


  6. Love this! So true X


  7. I love this so much, i'm 20 in a couple of months and luckily have a few more years of college so summer holidays still apply to me thank f! X

  8. Wait until you are as old as me, then you will want to be young again, lol :(

  9. Yes, why does everyone in clubs look like they've been newly hatched from a womb?.. Not that I go to clubs that often mind.I think my partying days are slowly becoming a thing of the past x

    VanessaVonJames | Fashion Blog

  10. this post is just so relatable...especially the top half! amazing post as usual Lydia <3


  11. so so relevant! I'll (hopefully) be a grad next year and i'm so terrified to have to leave the comfort that is being a student! What am i gonna do with my life? eek! so frightening!


  12. Relishing in my studentdom... Haha

  13. I loved this post! You hit all the nails on the head! I am 21 in just over a months time and I feel prehistoric already. Literally errreeethang applies to me on this list! I feel like we are clones of each other! hahaha xxx

  14. I can totally agree with all of these points. Being snuggled up on the sofa in your PJs at 7:30 is nothing to be embarassed about!

    Natalie Ann xo // Petal Poppet Blogs ♥

  15. loved Reading this!! so true


  16. Too true. It's ridiculous how you settle into early nights and spending your money on food, instead of jagerbombs, all of a sudden. It happened without me even noticing!

    Rachel | www.currentlyrachel.com

  17. Ugh, this is too true, as a fellow 23 year old I have to say take me back to childhood!


  18. I am also 23 and this post is literally like you wrote it from my mind!

    JShannonx - Beauty and Style.


  19. This is so funny! Loved it!

    Laura x | lordlaura.blogspot.fr

  20. Really enjoyed reading this post... Your such a good writer, I feel like you add some personality to what you write.. Love it!!! xx

  21. This post made me chuckle (and as I've been stuck at home with a stomach bug for 2days, I needed one!) I'll share something with you - in 10yrs time (well, 8 and a bit) you'll still feel this way but live in hope that it could change. My life right there! xx
    curiousaliceloves.wordpress.com 👌😙

  22. The amount that I relate to this post is unreal. Happy to know that I'm not alone!

  23. I couldn't read this post at a better time! I'm 23 also & this is deff my life. Glad to know I'm not alone <3


  24. I love this post, i'm actually only 17 but i feel like my life is already coming to an end and i'm so scared of the things about to happen, going to university and having to look for a new job, it all seems so scary i don't feel ready for any of it, but this post has reassured me i'm still just a kid, but i'm embracing my youth as it is so it's ok! xxx


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