15 June 2015


Grab the sick buckets, it's about to get cringey. Nahhh, I'm hoping this isn't actually too much of a v
om fest. I'm not really the overly emosh sort, but I do love these life quotes.. My phone gallery is forever full of screenshots with little sayings like this that I think are relevant. Just don't expect anything about love, how life is a journey or stuff along the YOLO lines.

'You'll never look like the girl in the magazine, the girl in the magazine doesn't even look like the girl in the magazine'
I've shared this one on Twitter before (I think this was actually some daft quote from a reality TV show?!) as I do think it goes well with the particularly image focused blogging world. It's not just pressure to look like that Vogue cover gal these days, it's that crazy beautiful girl on Instagram or that blogger with a VS Angel like body. Whoever it is though, it's easy to compare.. Even when you know filters, good lighting & a good bit of photoshop can all play a part.

 'Blowing out someone else's candle won't make yours shine brighter'
Another favourite. I just don't get folk that feel good about peeing on someone else's parade. There's just no fun in being a Debbie downer, nor does it improve your situation. I dunno, I guess I'd like to think most people feel the same way. 

'Your only limit is you'
This kind of summarises myself when I'm not pushing myself to be a 'yes' girl. I can easily talk myself out of things through being a total wimp. These days I try to not limit myself through being a scaredy cat, even if it means pushing myself out of my comfort zone completely.

'The things you take for granted someone else is praying for'
Eeeesh now we're getting a bit deep. This is my favourite for a reality check though. Yeah, we all moan about spots and putting on a bit of chub, but I do have to remind myself that there are bigger problems other than having a shit eyebrow day.

So they're the ones that I feel like I can relate to (without being embarrassed about being too much of a cringeville person). Let me know if you've got any favourites in the comments.. Always keen to add to my list of relevant life quotes!



  1. Lovely post, sometimes it's good to get a little cringey ;) x


  2. Love the 'blowing out..." one I personally love "Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced." fab post! x

  3. Great inspiration!


  4. I love all these quotes so much, they really make you consider things!

    Infinity Of Fashion// Lucy Jane

  5. Love these quotes!


  6. Love these quotes - they're all SO true! The candle one is my fav x

    Maisy Meow | Style | Beauty | Life

  7. 'The things you take for granted someone else is praying for' is a great one! Really puts it into perspective.
    Jennie Emma

  8. This is such a lovely and inspiring post. I love prints with quotes on or having some on my phone. Because when you are down or uninspired you can look at these and motivate yourself. I am definitely going to note these down, they are all very true.

    Beth x

  9. I love the magazine quote! Everyone these days has such battered confidence by thinking they should look like these skinny but curvy girls in magazines when they themselves probably don't even look like that! xo


  10. Great quotes, the first one is deffo my fave and most of the time probably true! ha! xx


  11. Cheesy yes but very true. Great post
    livinginaboxx | bloglovin

  12. For some reason I am always a sucker for quotes. These are some of my new favorites!


  13. I woke up to nurse and although the baby fell asleep twenty minutes ago(!) and it's 4:30am(!!), I'm still up reading your blog! I love your "thoughts on life and living" type posts. My favourite go-to quote is always "Comparison is the thief of joy." It centres me when I've got a serious case of insta-envy.


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