16 October 2015


As of yesterday, I am a fully fledged 24 year old. I'm one of those people that finds getting older a little bit frightening. I think it's the whole idea of the unknown and everything changing - I'd have been quite happy to stay as my 22 year old self forever and never have to think about my career or if I'm going to have children or if I need to start thinking about using eye cream. Really though, I don't know why ageing bothers me. If anything, as I've got older the more I'm 'okay' about me. I'm never going to be that person that's full of sass and confidence, but I don't mind me, and that's a good thing. This year, I want to keep this feeling better with age thing going, with a few things to work on. We're not talking New Year's resolutions I definitely won't stick to (e.g. carbs only before 5pm..), just some little notes for the year ahead.

1. Accept compliments.
I just need to say something along the lines of  'thank you, that's kind of you' and move on. That is all. None of this 'don't be daft'. Just accept it and get over it. People are being nice. 

2. Work on my anxiety.
One I've been thinking of talking about properly for ages, but I haven't quite managed to get a coherent blog post yet. I feel like anxiety is talked about way more openly these days which is great, especially when I can relate to other bloggers that have the same issues. My anxiety isn't the worst in the world but it certainly can affect my life. It's one of those things I really need to get myself together with this one, so if folk are interested I'll update you as I go.

3. Blog 'better'. 
I'm not wanting to follow all these blogger tips and end up being the next blogging megastar, when I say better, I mean better for me. Blogging has become a big part of my life, but I feel like there's so much I want to do blog wise that I'm not actually doing - writing more, being more sociable in the blogging community, reply to my fricking emails (UGH). It's important to me, and it makes me happy when I feel like I'm doing the best I can do. Crack on girl. 

4. Big myself up more. 
This works with accepting compliments. I listen to other folk talk about personal achievements/life in general and wowzerrrs they sound amazing. Instead, I'd be the one saying 'ah yeah I did this but I was absolutely sh*t at'. NO. The last bit needs to go. It's like a bad habit, when really I should be way more proud of my achievements rather than the bits that didn't go so great. 

5. Appreciate being 24 and who I am right now.
I will not sit here moaning how I feel old at 24 (it isn't old, not in the slightest). Next year I will be wanting to stay 24 forever, just like I've done with the previous year's age for about the last 5 birthdays. I am here, happy, healthy and 24. That's all good.

I think this is possibly the most positive I've ever been in my life. Ha. I just feel like I need to give myself a good talking to sometimes, y'know? Bring on 24. 



  1. Hi Lydia,

    I really enjoyed reading this post. I turned 24 a week ago and I'm always worrying about the future, the unknown is a scary thing but it's kind of exciting too.


  2. I know exactly how you're feeling regarding the self critical bit, and hating the fact that Im getting older. It is only this year that I've managed to sort myself out, and in return, I had a great 23rd birthday and I've just got a job that I'm super happy about as well as being shortlisted for Best Fashion blog in the Cosmo Blog awards. Before, I wouldn't have even applied for any of these because I wouldn't think I'm good enough. But good on you my lovely, it's the best thing that will happen to you! Really great blog post, don't be so harsh on yourself, you're doing great and I love reading all your posts xxx

  3. Love this post, you go girl! So inspiring x

  4. Happy belated birthday! You keep doing you girl - long time fan X

  5. Absolutely loved reading this, these kinds of 'thoughtful' posts are some of my favourites! I'm turning 22 on Thursday and it made me remember how quickly the years pass as you get older so why not make the most of being young, hey :) it's always good to step back and see the bigger picture! Hope you had a lovely birthday <3

  6. Happy birthday :) I'm turning 24 in a few months and I'm a little scared :/

  7. I needed to read this! I'm turning 24 soonish and it's made me feel pretty rubbish - you're so right. We are still very young in the grand scheme! Hope you had a fab birthday :)

    Amanda x

  8. I needed to read this! I'm turning 24 soonish and it's made me feel pretty rubbish - you're so right. We are still very young in the grand scheme! Hope you had a fab birthday :)

    Amanda x

  9. such lovely notes to yourself! it'll be lovely to look back on, hope you had a lovely birthday! xo


  10. Happy Belated birthday beautiful, I hope you had an amazing day! <3

    Check out my blog <3 | ANASOFIACHIC

  11. Birthday twins, I was 23 on 15th Oct and feel the same! Amazing telepathic haha. Thanks for the "hey it's ok" vibes ;D

    Becca xxx

  12. First of all Happy birthday and have a wonderful year!



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