24 November 2015


There are plenty of reasons why starting a blog is a great idea, so in contrast to my usual moan about blogging (admittedly, I like a good moan about anything), I thought it was time for some real blogging positivity, because really... blogging is pretty nice. For me, these are just a few reasons to remember why even with its faults, blogging is a good egg.

It’s a massive confidence boost.
Getting a few views, a RT, or a nice message from someone about your latest post can do your confidence the world of good. ‘You mean, someone actually cares about this crap I’m writing?!’… Uhhuh, they do. Blogging has given me a lot more confidence in my abilities, as well as making me more confident in general.

You can be exactly who you want to be.  
The big ol’ world can be a scary place to fly your freak flag, or strut your stuff like you’re Team Sassy. On the Internet I just think it’s easier to work on being the sort of person you’d like to be… Before you build up to unleashing your inner Honey Boo Boo on the rest of the world.  

It’s fun.
Would we bother taking pictures in sub zero temperatures if part of it wasn’t? As much as I love a whinge about my day-to-day blogging disasters, I still find it creative and fun and the good kind of bonkers.

You meet lovely people.
Meeting people through blogging is one of the loveliest things. It’s like finding your spirit child, who actually gets all these things you’re interested in and wants to discuss them with you. Happy days.

It’s actually impressive.
You know what, most people don't actually find blogging dorky. When I initially braved telling a few people about my blog, I thought it’d be some source of amusement. In fact, most people think it’s pretty cool. You're doing something off your own back and you're working hard at it. These days I always big up my blog, having one should be impressive… I treat it like I gave birth to it after all.  

You’re actually being useful to someone out there.
Thank god for the review on the ultimate oily skin foundation, the OOTD that provided some outfit inspo and the Tweet letting us know that those dreamboat Topshop boots are now on sale. We may not be fighting world peace, but us bloggers definitely come in handy.   

You never know what’s next.
Hey, maybe the Jeffrey Campbell Litas will make a comeback or we'll all decide that Instagram is crap?! Maybe not, but who knows? You have no idea what direction blogging will go next or where blogging could take you. I always find that really exciting for keeping motivated.  

You can define your own ‘success’.
Scrap defining success. Sod success. Trying to be a 'successful' blogger is so difficult, because how do you even decide what success is?! When I stop thinking about it, I love blogging a little bit more. I feel like you lose touch with what you’re doing if it’s too focused on how many followers you’ve got or how many views per post you’re receiving. I love that I can define my own success. This year I managed to travel by myself for a small oversees blogging trip…  For me, I feel like that’s a big success (mainly because I’d rather wear Crocs & socks for the rest of eternity than get on a plane).

You’re always learning.
Cliché, but I do learn something new every day with blogging. Whether I finally suss out what the F-stop means, or that there’s a handy IFTTT recipe to make life easier, there’s always something new to pick up along the way. It’s a big learning process & I’m happy to sponge all that up.  

There are perks. We don’t need to dance around the subject like it’s some sort of Voldemort-y unsaid thing. There are plenty of perks to blogging and we all know it. Whether it’s the odd freebie or a trip to a nice event, it’s something blogging can lead to and I’m not going to lie and pretend it’s bloody awful. It’s not. Having said that, it’s not the be all and end all. It’s lovely along the way, but it’s not integral to why I blog.  



  1. Great post, I agree with everything you've said! I'd love to start meeting people through blogging, but I haven't been doing it long. I do love it as something creative and easy to express myself on, and the support you get from fellow bloggers is great for confidence!

    JosieVictoriaa // josievictoriaa.blogspot.co.uk // Lifestlye, Travel and Fashion

  2. so good post u never know where it will lead u and it is good, i think, because it is some source of a diary to yourself! :)

  3. Great post with great reasons to blog. I particularly like the one about defining your own success as not everyone wants to be blogging full time just as a hobby.

  4. All these and more are reasons I will keep on blogging even on days i feel like giving up!


  5. Love this post... sometimes I wonder why I have a blog, the last week I had one of those moments... but this post makes me realice why I love my blog so much... it's a fun hobbie and makes me learn so much about different things all the time.
    Amazing post as always! (sorry about my english haha)
    xx Cali


  6. I agree with everything, it helps with confidence and creativity and it's very fun x

  7. Love this!


  8. Totally agree, I've only started telling people about my blog but it's always pretty positive :)
    livinginaboxx | bloglovin

  9. Such a lovely read! I've still not told anyone I know about my blog but hopefully I'll gain the confidence soon!


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