12 January 2016


Let's be honest, on the crap scale, January can often make it to the top. Post Christmas fun and back to normality, I always feel like it's a month I just want to get through as quick as possible... In fact, if summer could start like now, that'd be loverrrrly!

So, for January, I've got a little to do list of fun things to perk up the month. Nothing involves a huge amount of money (if you're like me, you're still reeling from spending over the festivities), nor a vast amount of planning. More small things to perk up the dullest of January days. 

1. Do a ridiculous workout. 

& not for the hopes of getting abs after the first 10 minute Legs, Bums & Tums sesh. Dare I say that over the last few weeks I've actually been finding exercise... Fun? I think when you alter your mindset to 'I'm going to do this to feel good at the end of it', rather than 'I've got to do this 'cause last night I ate a full Domino's pizza and I need a thigh gap by Thursday', then it gets a lot easier. So - when it comes to doing a ridiculous work out, I want to do it because it's fun. YouTube is my go-to for finding something I definitely won't look glamorous doing, but I'll have a bash at anyway.

2. Shop your stash.

Every so often on a lazy Sunday, this is one of my favourite things - especially when funds are running low! I love routing around drawers to find products I bought, and then went on to forget about. After a good tidy out I usually end up with a little pile of things to get using up... Which then means an impromptu pamper sesh. 

3. Have a go at a DIY project.

I love getting stuck into a DIY. Yeah, they don't always get finished, but isn't that part of the fun of it? I'm planning on making a new blogging backdrop over the weekend - I've got marble vinyl adhesive (naturally) & some MDF to get started with... If you never see posts with it featured then it's likely to have been a fail! I've popped a few other DIY projects I've got on my to-do list below.

DIY Marble Coasters / Rose Gold Mouse Pad / Air Plant Hangers

4. Write a letter.

My friend from uni still sends me letters every so often, and it's always such a lovely surprise to get something addressed to me... That isn't a phone bill or car tax. I really hope writing letters doesn't die out, it's just nice to have something physical in your hands, that someone has taken the time to write out. I'm stocked up on pretty paper for writing letters & I'm determined to send a few out this month.

5. Have a Netflix marathon.

I know, predictable, but these grey, cold days just seem like the perfect time to snuggle up & see how many episodes of one series you can get through. As much as I'm more of a lover of summer, I really want to make the most of these cosy evenings in,before lighter nights arrive & I feel like I have to spend every minute outside to really make the most of the little bit of sunshine that we get. Some of my favourites at the minute include Making a Murderer (yup, everyone's obsession), Master of None and Reign (I feel like it's another level of cheesy yet a bit part of me freeeaking loves it).

6. Go for a long walk.

This one I did on New Year's Day, but I'm already up for another long wander. There's just something really therapeutic about plodding along, especially when it's somewhere peaceful and you can clear your mind. It's good for you, yet it doesn't feel like exercise... Aaaand pennies are not required. Good stuff.

7. Try a new makeup look. 

Another really cheap one for days when you're after a bit of time to yourself. I usually have a go before I take my makeup off - currently I've got a few insanely intricate contouring tutorials to have a go at. I like doing makeup, and I guess it's a good one for zoning out... Even if the result may be less Pixiwoo and more Pixiwhaaaatthehell have I done?! 

8. Get re-inspired on Pinterest.

And that's inspired in whatever floats your boat. Pinterest is my go-to for getting re-inspired by so much - clothing, housey stuff, quotes for giving myself some Honey Boo Boo attitude. I like to take a bit of time out to go through Pinterest, especially when it comes to getting motivated for all things blogging. A day off with chance to flick through Pinterest with a cup of tea is my kind of thing. 

9. Take a family member for breakfast. 

Because I love my family and I love eggs on toast almost as much. I feel like going for breakfast is finally becoming a big thing up north, which is why I'm making a bit of a vow to go for more breakies this year. Plus, treating someone to a fancy bacon sarnie is always a nice way to treat someone. If you're in and around the Sheffield area, then The Grind Cafe and Tamper Coffee are a couple of my favourites.

10. Blog. Blog. Blog.

I've been using January as an excuse to plan blog stuff until my heart's content! Currently I've got a whole load of blog post rambles drafted up, some of which may never see the light of day, and others may eventually make their way into the internet world. It's the typical new year, new me feelings, but I do see January as a time to get things in order and really think about what I want to do. Whether you're a blogging veteran or just typing up your first post, I think this time of year is a great time to get going.



  1. These are great ideas! I definitely need to start planning some more blog posts.
    Casey X

  2. some really great ideas here, perfect as i'm definitely feeling the january slump!

    rachel // Style Soup

  3. Love these ideas, tamper being my fav!! Where you planner from? xo.

  4. I'm definitely up for Netflix marathons and hard workouts. I hate January!!

  5. love this post! good ideas to take away the january blues.


  6. I think January is a pretty good month for me on the inspiration side of things at least!


  7. Without a doubt i'll end up doing all of these this month!


  8. Lovely tips for January to get over the blues

    DeeDee Louise

  9. this is such a great post - many of those things (like the netflix-marathone, diy-project, workout plans...) are on my january-to-do-list as well!
    x. Mirjam


  10. Fave thing to do in January is to go shopping! Everything is always on sale which is a winner haha!


  11. So agree with the last one!!Blogging is awesome! kisses:D


  12. Love this post, January is such a crap month.. i've been trying to blog a lot more too just to focus my attention to something! X

  13. My best friend lives in New Zealand so even though we facebook message and viber ALL THE TIME, there is nothing quite like seeing her wacky handwriting and a New Zealand stamped envelope addressed to me. One of the best feelings :)
    Phoebe - xx

  14. Tip #9, is really cute! And I might try that with my mama! Thanks so much! xx

    McKenzie | http://therosynook.com/

  15. I did a 'shop the stash' the other day!! So good when you forget what you have bought over the years!! xx


  16. Great post. I am one of those weirdos that love working out but no longer near a gym do I'm at home busting my butt to stay in shape. January needs to become more of a month of blogging and pampering. Hope you have more of those pampering moments too! :)


  17. It's going to be DIY for me and improve my photography. I've ordered a new camera and I will try to tame it as quickly as I can.

    Great post, I hate January!

    Mika | www.la-french-connection.com

  18. These are great ideas. I've had such a rubbish busy stressful January the only thing I've had time/energy to look at in Pinterest so I've got quite into it again. I'm gonna try some of these in Feb though
    livinginaboxx | bloglovin

  19. Good and funny list!) I liked it very much!) If you like reading different facts, read https://kovla.com/blog/15-most-interesting-facts-abou.. . I'm sure you'll appreciate and you'll know many interesting things!) Enjoy!)


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