30 January 2016


I've been planning to post about boosting your blog traffic, as it's something I've actually taken an interest in over the last month. I really made the effort to work on it, and as a result I did manage to double my traffic. Really, it wasn't that difficult - it was mostly just a case of working at it a bit more. I always knew traffic was something I needed to think about, but instead I pretty much ignored it, only keeping up here and there with the figures. This definitely isn't me saying blogging is all about the numbers... I know there's so much more to it than that, but it is nice to see how you're doing, and see when people are enjoying what you're posting! I just think of traffic like comments - a bit of feedback. 

Since Christmas, I've made a few really simple changes, mostly just to see if it would actually make a difference. It was really nice to see everything did actually work! Here's how I did it. 

Be on Google Analytics. All. The. Time. 
Over the last month I've checked my analytics account every day. Sometimes, more than once. It can get a bit addictive, but it does spur me on to push things a bit more. I use it to set my goals for the month - how many users I'd like to reach, upping time spent on pages, that sort of thing. I recommended downloading the Google Analytics app in my last blogging related post... It's definitely easier to use for checking up on. Google Analytics is a BFF for really knowing what is and isn't working, and where to go from there. 

Social Share. More Than Once. 
To be honest, I got lazy with social sharing, even though I'm pretty sure of a lot of my traffic is at least influenced by social (tracking it completely can be difficult). I used to only ever share a blog on my social platforms once... Sometimes I'd even forget to share it at all. The horrors. These days I try to share blog posts at least 3 times, maybe more if it's a post I've got plenty to say about. I'll schedule these in throughout the week at different times to see when works best. I find mixing it up with different shots from the blog post and using varied text stops things from getting repetitive. I think you've just got to think about the times you've caught up on someones blog and read an older post you'd never heard about... It's not like everyone's on social media at the same time, so I think a few shares makes sense. 

Be Useful. 
I've gone through periods where I've just lobbed any old crap up on my blog. There wasn't any real purpose, and it was bugging me. I've worked recently on trying to make content useful - which may only be taking a slightly different angle on what you currently do... Instead of me just sharing an outfit with a jumper, I might now do 3 ways to wear a chunky knit. It's not like every post has to be groundbreaking stuff, but I do think it's nice to feel like you're being helpful to readers! 

Work On That First Sentence.
Kind of following on from the last one, I think titles & first sentences are a biggie. They're usually the first bits someone will read in your blog post, so I think it's worth putting a bit of extra effort into how you start your post. I guess it's kind of like at primary school, where you couldn't just use 'once upon a time', and you had to think of something interesting instead. Lol. With Bloglovin' only showing that initial excerpt, I try to make my first sentence worth reading. 

Post More
Now, I'm not saying it's worth sacrificing quality over quantity, but if you have got time for extra content then it's worth squishing it in. I've gone from around 3 posts a week to 4... It's not something I'm religious about, but I have noticed it's made a difference. I thought I'd struggle to fit more time to blog in, but for 'extra' posts I tend to go for something that won't take too long. For me, that usually means easy imagery - probably something that involves flat lays only, rather than battling with my DSLR to take 50 pictures of myself with the top of my head cut off. 

So there we go! I love doing this sort of post, although I'm not sure I'll do too many as I know there are already so many brilliant blogging tips & tricks posts out there - I just thought this one was relevant as it was something I'd actually tried out over January. 


  1. Oh I always like posts like these and I definitely agree with your tips. Just one thing I disagree and that is that being on analytics makes me go crazy :D

    Love, Kerstin

  2. I agree, since i started posting more and getting into a routine my followers seem to have gone up. I try not to focus on followers as i do it as a hobby but of course it means the world that people are interested in my blog x

    Emma | Emmys Beauty Cave

  3. i love these style of post you have been putting up recently has really helped me with a few things!!

    CharlotteSamantha // www.charlottesamantha.co.uk

  4. Thanks for sharing your advice, definitely going to try these! X

  5. This was really helpful - thank you! I'm glad you saw a big difference!

    luce | http://luceellen.co.uk xxx

  6. Fantastic post. Really useful. X

  7. These are fab! Thanks gal


  8. Thanks for the tips. Yes when you focus on something it really does make a difference


  9. Thank you for this post, it was very informative. I have recently started up my blog again and I'm trying to be more dedicated this time around!


  10. Great tips, it seems that it's lots of small actions that add up to something more. I'm trying to get from two posts a week to three at the moment, and I've loaded up coschedule to help with my social sharing, that helps me so much!


  11. Google Analytics is so addictive! I definitely think being useful is important to. I'm definitely going to me more social with my posts. Thanks for the tips :) xx


  12. Your posts on blogging tips are always my faves - thank you!

    Freya | freya-ella.blogspot.co.uk

  13. Loved these useful tips, as I am just starting out this was a great straight to the point read! x

  14. Thanks for sharing the tips !


  15. Great advice! Thank you for this! X

  16. Love all your blogging tip and tricks posts, please keep em' coming!


  17. This was really helpful! Been relying on the Stats feature on Wordpress for too long but finally making the effort to set up Analytics. Saskia x www.saskiarimbaut.com

  18. Such a good post! I love reading posts like this as they're always so useful and help me to discover new ways to increase traffic so thanks for these, I'll definitely be giving them a go! Xx


  19. Thanks for the tips!

  20. Being beautiful (like yourself) is also a big tip to gaining more blog traffic.

  21. These are great tips, thanks for sharing! I'm trying to increase my blog traffic so I'll definitely be considering these points in the future x


  22. Sharing my new posts multiple times on social media is something I am quite bad at getting into the habit of. Must work on it because it really works!

    Rachel | www.currentlyrachel.com

  23. Thanks for these useful tips !



  24. Great tips! Thanks for sharing! :)


  25. Your blog is fast becoming one of my favourites :) I've been loving all the posts you've been doing and they've been so helpful. Your photos are always spot on and each post is interesting and easy to read. :)

    Lis x


  26. This was a very helpfully post. There are a few things I do (like post on social media) but somethings I haven't (Google analyics...I didn't even know there was an app).

    Thanks for all the tips :)
    Hannah xxx

  27. Hi Lydia, Still ready and enjoy your blog since back in the day :) This post was really interesting! I hope your well.



  28. Lovely tips - thank you for sharing! :)
    - Ambar | Her Little Loves

  29. I don't understand Google analytics, can you teach me please?!?!
    livinginaboxx | bloglovin

  30. These post definitely helped someone and I think it's all true.
    If we post regularly we'll have more traffic!
    kisses, one more time hahaha
    Cantinho da tequis
    Facebook Cantinho da tequis


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