1 January 2016


 Happy New Year everyone! I'm not one for making resolutions... There's not a chance in hell I can commit to giving up chocolate, or swear I'll have a beach bod by summer 2016. I can't even stick to a mascara I like, never mind something like that. I'd much rather be realistic, with little life changes I know I can make. I think the main thing with resolutions is that they can end up so major, that when they're a total flop you feel like a big rubbish-y failure. Not great. Instead, I'm going to go for smaller things to work on. 

This year I'm going for blogging resolutions - it's quite a big ol' deal in my life so why not? To be honest, they're all things I'd like to apply to general life anyway. There's nothing in here with the focus on being an overnight blogging success, rather reminders for happier blogging over the next year. 

1. Justify/apologise for myself less. 
Sometimes with blogging, I feel like you're constantly thinking you could offend someone, or you could sound like you're preaching the gospel & actually it's just an opinion. As a result, I find I justify myself a lot, even when in reality, it's probably just me over thinking. I'd like to think that mostly, we do read blogs as opinion based, without taking things too seriously. This year I want to justify myself less - if I'm going on about brown lippy being my everything right now, or that occasionally I find ZARA stores are as organised as car boots, then it is just a light hearted opinion. 

2. Take fewer pictures. 
I feel like I can at times be ‘quantity over quality’ with pictures... I take freaking loads every day, and yet 90% of them will never go further than iPhoto. I'm at the point now, where I'd rather just take a few, really lovely pictures, than 50+ that don't quite cut it. The other thing is, I'm a bit sick of living my life through a lens. I was on a New Year's Day walk today, and rather than taking snaps of every-freaking-thing, I just looked. With my eyes and stuff. Remember when we used to do that?! Lol. Taking pictures of everything does sort of come with the territory when blogging, but I'd like to be more selective with what I take pictures of, rather than trying to document every single thing with a photo.

3. Work on being sociable. 
I know the blogging community can be flipping lovely, yet I do find that I tend to withdraw myself from it. Admittedly, I do find being sociable a bit difficult... It just doesn't come that naturally to me, I'm a bit awkward and I always see my own company as my comfort zone. Even still, I know there are loads of lovely people in blogging that I'd love to talk to, and that’s not something to be a scaredy cat about. I definitely want to be more involved with everything on Twitter, so here's to a sociable (even if it may only be online... baby steps!) 2016.

4. Smile. 
Resting Bitch Face is my life. It’s just my vibe, to be miserable looking. I've never been that comfortable with a whopping cheesy grin (my teeth are something I'm a tad self conscious about, so I'm never just like 'HEY, here are my pegs') and it's something I haven't really got into the habit of doing on my blog. I think we all have our particular 'go-to' poses, but I would like to venture out of looking like Morbid Mandy. I'm not actually unhappy, so I would like to show a bit more of that in my pictures! 

5. Learn to switch off. 
Someone just needs to unplug our wifi and let me have a melt down before I can eventually carry on with my life. Lol. Okay, I'm not quite that level, but I do need to take some time out from blogging sometimes. I've had a few days off over Christmas and it's been really lovely… Having some time away from the online world, as well as a chance to really think about all things blogging. I've talked about how having a break from blogging can be a good idea before, yet it is still something I need to push myself to do. Even if it's only for a few hours, I occasionally need to say a little ‘bon voyage’ to the Internet. 

Have you made any blogging resolutions this year? 



  1. These are great goals! Happy New Year!

    A Little Dose of Makeup

  2. Some lovely new year resolutions! I should probably stop living life through a lens as well and just enjoy what's around me! xx

    Beauty Girl

  3. I feel ya on the need to switch off. Something I'll try to do as well!
    A Story of a Girl

  4. Yep yep yep, great goals!


  5. Deffo want to post more and up the equality of my piccies! They are my main goals!


  6. Great post! I also made a blogging resolution to create better quality content and to also be a lot more active on social media such as twitter and even bloglvin'. I've got more blogging resolutions but they're practically the same thing haha

  7. I love your blog and always read your posts, I'm a bit shy of the blogging community too (not because everyone isn't lovely or anything) but I never get involved in Twitter things in case people are like "who the hell is this piping up?!" Haha, I also do resting bitch face a lot. These are great resolutions though and things I should have a go at.

    Lucy x- Yellowicing

  8. These are fab goals! Definitely get chatting to some more bloggers, I've made some amazing friends who I'd never have met if it weren't for twitter! x

    Josie | Sick Chick Chic

  9. Happy new year ! I wish I could learn to switch off, it feels like I'm always on my phone, especially Instagram... Oh and we set the same "goal" : apologize less ! Let's do this !




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