2 April 2016


Whether you're blogging as a hobby, or doing it full time, it can end up becoming a 24/7 thing. It's constantly on the go and there can be so much to keep up with. Sometimes it's just something I need to take a step back from and think 'woahhh, more to life than me getting a post up on my favourite lipsticks'. You know, like when Kim cried about losing her diamond earrings in the sea and Kourtney shot her down with 'Kim there's people that are dying'. That clip still makes me laugh. These days I just get to a point where I need a breather from the blogging world, to take the pressure off and get some inspiration back. I find it difficult to completely take myself out of the online bubble, so when I'm ready to somewhat switch off I try to make it as productive as I can. 

Over Easter, that was what I did. I forgot about the pressure to get posts up, and blogged as and when I felt the need to. I went for Mexican food and didn't get a taco shot for the gram, I wore a decent outfit to head out shopping and didn't bother taking outfit snaps. You know what? It was lovely. It was a brief break, but it helped me get back to feeling ready to blog again. Here's how I stayed productive while I took a breather. 

Limit picture taking.
This was a 2016 resolution for me, but when I'm ready to switch off from blogging I really try to put the camera down. Being selective with what I take pictures of not only gives me some respite from the dreaded photography-probs, but also really makes think about what I'm taking pictures of. I don't need fifty thousand pictures of my FOTD. 

Think of yourself as a reader of a blog, not just a blogger. 
I've always been a reader of blogs, but occasionally I find it difficult to avoid reading posts without the 'Should I blog about this? Are my photos as good? Does my blog need a design like this?' feels. While I'm not blogging, I try to forget about the 'blogger' label and just enjoy reading blog posts, because they're useful and entertaining and relatable... Instead of it being tinged with the Debbie downers. Admittedly, I can get way too focused on my own blog and forget how much I love blogs in general! 

Start a diary.
When you're writing any sort of content, you're spending a lot of time writing for someone else. Sometimes, it's just nice to write for yourself. With typos and sentences that probably only make sense to you and about all the things you want to talk about. I'm not the sort that can stick to writing a diary everyday, but when I'm taking a break from blogging I still try to write. It's therapeutic, and it keeps things going while you're not writing up blog posts.

And if all else fails, take a complete step back. 
I regularly find I end up feeling the most productive when I've given myself some real distance from blogging. Even if it's only a weekend, sometimes you just need a bit of time out. I'll try to avoid social media, enjoy my day and not think about if I've scheduled that post in or not. Forcing myself to have a mini blogging holiday means I can come back to it when I'm ready with some fresh motivation



  1. I love your point about starting a diary. I love to write and it's a good idea to do it more for me more often than thinking constantly about writing for someone else to read it.

  2. Great tips Lydia :) We all need to remember to take a break xx

  3. These are great tips. However, I do like to take pictures to "take a break" because I never know what inspiration I might find! (I guess I can't help it!)

  4. Love your input on this!! I always try to remember that I blog as a hobby and that I have another job and things to worry about so I shouldn't stress if I don't get a post up one day or post enough photos on Instagram. It's hard because you always want to be better, but I love the idea of taking a break! I may have to think about doing it :)

    xo Lauren

  5. I am taking a break soon!


  6. Great post, and I totally agree, sometimes it's nice to just take a step back from blogging and relax for a bit x

    Millie x

  7. That's the thing I love most about writing a diary, is that you don't have to second think anything you're writing. You can spell as you want and write nonsensical sentences with the poorest grammar. It definitely feels great after writing blog posts and university essays!


  8. I agree about having to give yourself a break sometimes, I find even just a little break will is enough to re-inspire me
    The Lipstick, The Girl and Her Wardrobe

  9. I took a few months off which I thought would be a real risk because my blog would be forgotten about. However it was so important for me to take the step back and come back a better blogger.

  10. This was such a lovely post to read. It's easy to sometimes get stressed when trying to juggle life and a blog that is supposed to be fun/ a hobby. You're right, it shouldn't be like that and it's good to take a step back and take some time for yourself sometimes. Thank you!



  11. Exactly. I've been going through this as well, yet still being productive and creative in other areas (not to mention going for long walks). Not posting doesn't mean "not writing". It's good to have an "idea bin" for a rainy day - something to draw on, especially if you are somewhat tapped out with the 24/7 blog. Well written and timely, thanks for the encouragement!

  12. I completely agree with everything you've said Lydia! I can find myself quite overwhelmed and just get into a panic, whether I'm feeling uninspired, or behind schedule etc. Time away from it all helps so much. Especially when I find myself walking around the shops searching for photo opportunities! That's when I know I need a break x


  13. Great tips! I agree with reading other blog as a reader and not a blogger. Sometimes I get to caught about comparing my blog to someone else's instead of just enjoying their post =o)


  14. I did the exact same thing over Easter. I just stopped worrying about it and lived my life. There were a couple of times where I was wearing outfits I really liked, and I thought 'damn this would actually make good blog content'. But thinking like that was draining, it's like blogging becomes a hassle and a burden sometimes. So it was super liberating to take a step back, and from now on, I don't think I'm going to put as much pressure on myself to keep to a schedule :)

  15. Totally agree with you on the 'Think of yourself as a reader of a blog, not just a blogger' note. I sometimes forget how much i enjoy reading blogs and ultimately that's why I started because I enjoyed reading the blogs and content.

    Greats points!



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