16 April 2016


Up until January, I was a ‘I’ve never been to the gym and I’ve no intention of going sort of person’. After getting involved with Pink Soda for JD Sports, I decided it was time to get myself together and brave going. I wanted to do it purely as something for myself – giving my body a bit of TLC hopefully giving myself a bit of a confidence boost. Ive always thought the gym was a bit scary, and as a result wimped out of going.

Thankfully, I can now say that me and the gym are pals. Okay, we’re pals that sometimes want to punch each other, but we get on and we know we help each other out. While I’m not becoming your next fitness buff, I do kind of enjoy it. So, when it came to the gym newbie experience, hes what I learnt.  

 You see a lot of boobs. 
A lot of boobs. If you're a bit prim, prepare for lady bits here there and everywhere. 

 You’lll forget your socks or your knickers or your trousers and it’ll be a tragic.
Big tip – always pack a back up pair of knicks and socks. & if you’ve forgot your trousers, cry.

You quickly don’t feel like the new person.
I was surprised by how soon I didn’t feel like a new person. Really, if you last longer than a month, you’ll have made it longer than most people who joined around the same time. I'm now four-ish months in, sort of know the sitch and don’t feel like I’m making it quite as obvious that I’ve no idea what I’m doing.

You’ll end up gawping at a lot of sweaty people.
Admittedly, if someone's on that stair climber I'm probably going to end up staring at their bum. It's unavoidable and it's in my face. 

You’ll find the most annoying part is getting your sh*t together, not exercising.
Following on from the forgotten trousers, the most annoying thing I find about the gym is actually getting my stuff together. Yeah, slogging it out on the treadmill is tough, but sorting out my gym bag? Now that's awful. Packing my gym bag is up there with standing on a plug. I hate it and I cba to think if Ive got my earphones and my mascara and basically my life in one bag.

You’ll have a ‘I need a padlock?!’ moment.
Nobody tells you this. Its like an unsaid thing that youve got to lock your own stuff away with your own little padlock.

You’ll then have a mad panic when you’ve lost your key.
Oh shit oh shit oh shit Oh its in my sock. Nobody knows fear like a gal whos lost her gym key.

You’ll realise it’s a love/hate relationship.
Sometimes I’m really pumped thinking this fitness stuff is for me, others I’m just like why the fudge am I bothering. It’s an up and down thing, but I guess I know that overall it’s good for me.

You’ll buy more gym gear than you could ever possibly need. In fact you could probably stock JD Sports.
And you know what? I wear the same go-to gym outfits for most trips, constantly on a cycle in the wash.

You’ll quickly work out a military precision routine.
Okay, this sorting your shit business is a nightmare, but you do get into some kind of routine. I now know to stick my gym bag in the right way for quickly pulling my towel out, and to make sure Ive got my hair brush before I dump everything else on top of it. For me, thats getting my life together.

You’ll soon be spotting other ‘newbies’.
Within a few weeks youll be able to pick them out a mile off. Theyre either overly enthusiastic, or looking depressed as hell.

You’ll find some really random ways to pass the time, 
A favourite of mine is naming folk – nothing mean, just nicknames for the familiar faces I see regularly during the week but never speak to. Currently we have Notebook (each week he fills in a notebook with his routine – organized), the Fit Family (3 generations of very healthy looking family) and Cross Trainer Guy (who basically just machines through an hour on the cross trainer every gym sesh - beeeeayst). When it comes dying on the treadmill, you'll do anything to distract yourself. 

You’ll realise that theres no point without your iPod.
Seriously. Just go home. Youre doing nothing.

You’ll wonder how the fudge anyone ever manages the stair climber for longer than 5 minutes.
Gimme those quads. Managing a minute on that thing is an achievement for me.

You’re not gonna meet some fit gym buff that’s going to become your PT and have your babies.
Well, you might… But don’t expect the gym to be full of toned looking guys ready to show you how to use that weird pull-y arm machine.



  1. The stair climber and I are not friends. I bow down to the people that last for 20 minutes. It's a skill I do not possess!


  2. I definitely can relate to all of these! Especially the padlock panic moments!

    rachel // Style Soup

  3. This was a really funny and interesting post to read. I never liked going to the gym because I felt self-conscious about being staring at me while I was looking at my literal worst. I still don't like going! Instead, I just workout at home :')

    a small bit | bloglovin | twitter | latest post

  4. Great post, I've literally had the same feeling/thoughts on each post you've made! Great post Lydia x

    Millie x

  5. Totally agree with everything you've said. The most annoying thing for me is also packing my bag. This puts me off going the most. I usually go at 06:30am before work and it means preparing my outfit for the gym, outfit for work, breakfast and lunch the night before which ends up taking longer than the gym session itself.

  6. This is the main reason why I picked a gym that I can walk to in 2 minutes from my house lol. I just put on my gear at home, except for shoes and also shower at home! No more forgetting. And if I forget I'll be the loss of 3 minutes tops.
    Because the gym was further away from my house before I just ended up not going at all, this tackles a lot of problems for me!

  7. Love this post, so accurate!

  8. Haha I love this post, been putting off joining gym and have just stuck to a little home routine I have but this might just motivate me!

    Hannah x

  9. hahahaha, I love this post, so many relateable parts especially the ipod thing, I've genuinely left the gym when I've forgotten my headphones haha.

  10. Loved this point, it hit the nail on the head for nearly all the points. I oddly find myself gawping at people who work out in jeans, I don't understand how it can be comfortable.
    Ipod is a must.

    Not Copper Armour // Bloglovin'


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