26 May 2016


Okay, hooked is a strong word. Even still, I’m keeping up with this fitness business and thought it was time for a bit of an update. At the minute I go to the gym 3/4 times most weeks and fit in a pole class too. Yup, I’m not training for the Olympics, but from being a complete lazy bones I don’t think I’ve done bad. I wouldn’t say I’ve seen huge changes body wise or that I’ve even been keeping track much, but I now like the post gym feels.  

It is difficult to stick to though. I’ve had weeks where I’ve lagged a bit, looked in the mirror on a fat day and thought sod this. It happens to us all. Buuuut, after a few off occasions I’ve found worked out the ways that help me get back to it, and stick at it.  

Fit it in as much as possible.  

It’s only in the last few weeks that I’ve been trying to do this. When I think I’ve got a bit of time to fit in another gym trip or an extra class, I just go. I stop internally debating about it, pack my bag and set off. If I go and I’m completely rubbish and cba to spend longer than 5 minutes on a treadmill then that’s fine, because I’ve got myself up and I’ve been. Right now I try to do three morning trips, then fit an extra one in if I’ve got free time (& I’m bored with nothing to do!).

Go solo.

Okay, I’ve seen the good and bad sides to gym buddies. It’s great when you’ve got someone to lol with about the fact you can’t work out how to use that weird weight-y thing, but for me it can have its down sides… As in me & my gym buddy can easily sit and talk ourselves out of going at all. You know the usual ‘I’m not going if you’re not going’ thing. I really think if I’d not braved up to just going regularly on my own, then I would have sacked it off the minute my gym buddy wasn’t constantly around. It’s nice to have someone to go with, but I’m okay with being a Billy no mates too. Unless said gym buddy is a PT, in that case – be clingy as hellll.

Suss out your motivator.

It’s taken me a while to work out what really gets me ready to work out. In the past I’ve been into fitness accounts on Instagram, but recently I’m more about new gym clobber and seeing working out as a way to de-stress. The buying of new gym outfits needs no explanation – I like a fancy lycra outfit that doesn’t make me feel like I look completely horrific. Ha. De-stressing is a tad more important – I know now that doing something physical is a good way to zone out and forget about all those grown up things. That’s got me up and going more than anything, as I know I’ll feel better for it once I’ve been.
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  1. In my case, my gym buddies and I usually talk each other into not skipping days. However, I still like to go solo so I can take my time and do my thing x

  2. Thank you for sharing this inspiring post - you go girl!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  3. Great tips, and I agree, going solo is better, even though you always see everywhere that training with a friend is better, I prefer to go alone x

    Millie x

  4. This has massively inspired me to go and work out!

  5. Love these ideas! I always have a day when I just can't get myself out the door aha! X


  6. Great post! I REALLY need to get back in the gym and this has given me some motivation! P.S you look insane šŸ˜


  7. I really need to get into fitness. Bought all the new gear, which I love, just never really motivated to get into a routine. Will try though.. She says.. x

    VanessaVonJames | Fashion Blog

  8. The Piyo program was a 6 week program that consisted of yoga/pilate moves and it hands down gave me the BEST core results!!! I LOVED my core results, but I didn’t feel like I got as lean as I would have liked from this program. try this website

  9. This post is really helpful actually - I like the idea of just going when you get the chance instead of internally debating it (because that can and does usually result in me talking myself out of it) and I agree doing it on my own is the only way I can really work out (unless it's some sort of class)




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