9 October 2016


Sometimes I need to boost my motivation in relation to blogging, and often that includes reminding myself that it can have benefits wider than the blogging world itself. Blogging has had a huge impact on my career which now means I work in an industry I love... God knows what I'd be up to if it wasn't for blogging! 

So, aside from being a full time blogger, where can you actually go with blogging? I think there are so many transferable skills that you can develop from getting your blog on. Even just giving yourself a confidence boost can have a whopping impact on your career opportunities! For now, I'm just gonna talk five careersy routes which feel like a great fit for us bloggers. 

Social Media
I couldn't miss this one out, as it's the sector I work in and one I got into through blogging (there's more detail on social stuff here). Generally, having a blog without social media is unavoidable these days. Most of us are Snapchatting, Instagramming or Tweeting in some shape or form. If you can develop a general interest into skills that you could transfer to a brand though, then you're onto a winner. I'd say if you're a newbie at getting into social media, suss out your own strategy first. You're going to need to know more than the basics, but talking about how you built up your own presence with some detail is going to be an impressive start. 

It’s been really nice over the years to see plenty of photographer whizzes using blogging as a platform to get their name out there – I see some amaaazing photographyers working with bloggers these days! Blogging is not only fun, but it's also a great way to develop certain skills - photography wise you can work on building a portfolio and really getting some practise in. Everyone's gotta start somewhere!

Okay, general I know. One of the main reasons I started blogging was to practise writing as a struggling English Language student. In the end, blogging has taken me down so many routes writing wise. From print articles to writing copy, having a space to constantly work on my writing skills has helped me no end. It's a way to suss out the writing style you like and you've also got an online space full of work to show off to potential employers... Just make sure you've really gone to town with spell check!

Talent Management
Because talent management extends way beyond our regular celebs! I love the whole behind the scenes stuff that now goes on with blogging - there's so much more to it these days. If you're into blogging in general, management of blogging folk seems appropriate. You know first hand what it's like and how bloggers like to work. Working your way up in a relevant company can lead to managing the careers of big influencers, and with blogging constantly growing I think it's a great time to get into this sort of thing.

Blogger Outreach
Personally, blogger outreach has been one of my favourite jobs through blogging. Again it's one that really benefits from experience as a blogger. You totally get it, and you know that anything that's personalised or comes with biscuits is going to set a blogger's heart a-flutter. There's a whole load more to it than that, but my experience of it has been that it's really fun. From once being a nice add on to marketing jobs, blogger outreach has become a whole career in itself... There are plenty of blogger outreach roles out there now and they seem to be ever increasing on the popularity scale. 

None of these are easy options, but if you're at that 'what the hell am I doing' stage (this is still me 90% of my life) and love blogging then they're worth considering! 

youtube / bloglovin / twitter / facebook / pinterest / tumblr / instagram


  1. This is a super helpful post, thank you!

    Tia | The 10am Blog

  2. All great choices, and I totally agree all jobs that you can gain from the transferable skills that you just gain through blogging. Great post!




  3. I love this post. Many people think that the only job you can gain from blogging is blogging full time but this is so far from the truth. I have just started a degree in photography and it has really helped me that I spent a few years working out how to use my camera, all thanks to my blog.

  4. Really interesting post. Without my blog I wouldn't be in the job I am in today and my blog has definitely improved my writing!

    Hannah | Oh January

  5. I love this! I'm definitely at that point where I should be applying for grad schemes and thinking about what to actually do with the rest of my life and these are a few great things that involve blogging that aren't just blogging full time!


    Josie // JosieVictoriaa

  6. Loved this post - I love how diverse the blogosphere is and how many skills you acquire through doing it! :) xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

  7. I love this post! Last month Just as I started my blog the same week I also started a new job in social media, so far I have been loving it! They both fit together so well, social media is so interesting to learn more about!

    Grace x

  8. Blogging opens so many doors! I would love to know more about your career in social media :)

    Creepers & Cupcakes

  9. Loved reading x

    Millie x

  10. Great post, thank you for sharing. Blogging can definitely lead to so many interesting careers :)

    Camille xo


  11. This was such an interesting post, I'd not realised the job opportunities that are out there for bloggers! It's true, you learn so many valuable skills as a blogger x

    Josie | Sick Chick Chic

  12. Social Media and Blogger Outreach can also lead you to a career in PR or Digital Marketing. Those two were my industries I was able to break into through blogging. It is such a beneficial and versatile hobby, that literally anything is possible. Thanks for sharing x

    Caz | Style Lingua


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