tutorial: feather nails

I thought I'd attempt a tutorial on these nails! The current weather situation is grim, which means outfit pictures were a no go! My attempt isn't the best.. this was first go & I think bigger feathers would work better. However, the method still applies so I thought some of you might like to see how I did it!

You'll need:

Clockwise from left: Basecoat, Topcoat, Cotton  Bud (for cleaning up!), Nail File, Scissors, Feathers

Step 1

Paint your nails with the basecoat. A colour that contrasts nicely with your feathers works best :)

Step 2

Once your nails have dried, apply the topcoat. Let it get a little tacky before putting on your feathers (I cut mine up into smaller pieces) and use something like the nail file to hold down any fiddly bits. When the feathers are stuck down securely, apply a final top coat & leave to dry.

Step 3

Cut down the feathers & give your nails a little file so there are no rough edges. You can leave your nails like this or add some extra bits & bobs :) 

Step 4 (Optional)

I decided to stick with the theme and add a little dream catcher to my ring finger. My nails are pretty tiny so I'm quite limited to the amount of detail! I just did a small circle with some extra bits on.. nothing too complicated! 

That's about it really! There are quite a few similar tutorials out there, so have a gander on google :) If anyone has any questions then feel free to ask!


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