side split skirt & camo jacket

Hat – H&M, Sunglasses – H&M, Short Necklace – c/o KilaJewel, Triangle Necklace – c/o Nunfish, Jumper – H&M, Skirt – River Island, Cuff – c/o Nunfish, Boots – Docs

I am such a bad blogger. I always get posts ready to go up, and then completely forget to publish them. I published today’s without any writing, thinking I’d already done it. Good one Lydia!

I’m loving today’s pretty jewels. Why wear one necklace on when you can wear two eh?! I think it’s nice to mix and match. I’ve got that many jewellery bits that if I didn’t wear a few together I’d never wear them at all! The little black necklace is from KilaJewel, a lovely new shop run by Ally. She’s got lots of bargains so I’d definitely have a nosey. My cuff is also another new favourite.. mainly because it actually fits my scrawny wrists!

I’m off to go make scrambled eggs. Have any other students got through the goodies your ma & pa sent you back with? I’m down to eggs & pot noodles. Ugh uni life. P.S sorry if I look a little grubby.. it was a no-make-up-just-gonna-slap-some-lippy-on-and-hope-for-the-best kind of day.

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