a few festive snaps & MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Sorry about this post being a little picture heavy, I just wanted to post some festive snaps before I say a huge MERRY CHRISTMAS! Golly how quickly has that one come round?! Can we have December again please?!

I always think it’s nice to have your blog as a bit of a diary, so this is my month summed up. I’m also mega nosey & know that I love having a look at people’s lives outside blogging.. maybe some of you love a little peek like I do! Admittedly, I’m not that exciting & most of the pictures are from festive days out with my mamma. Such a cool cat aren't I! Very surprised that I managed to cut it down to this many pictures. I’m one of those irritating people that take pictures of every single thing. I had to stop when it got to the 20+ pictures of my cat attacking the tree.

I’m off to go prep for Christmas Eve goodness at the pub but make sure you all have the loveliest of lovely Crimbles! I’m sending lots of festive love & hoping Father Christmas brings you everything you asked for. Ha, the festivity has gone to my head.

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