I love cats tee & hold ups

 Choker - DIY, Top - c/o Hero and Cape, Skirt - c/o SheInside, Hold Ups - Primark, Flatforms - Similar Here

Have you noticed a difference about this post? I’m wearing my hair up! Well.. for few pictures anyway. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve posted pictures where my hair hasn’t been down. I hardly ever have my hair completely up. I’m just not very good at making it look fancy like that! It always ends up in some bumpy pony tail mess which leads to me having a big strop.

What do you think to the cat tee?! Anyone who knows me knows that I am a mad cat lady, so it’s very appropriate. Any cat in the area is welcome for extra biscuits at mine, even the chubby old ones. Enough cat talk, I sound like I’m advertising my home as a cat shelter. The tee is a lovely hand printed number that has been added to my collection of slogan print tops.. I don’t think you can have too many of them! I love being able to pop on some boring bottoms with a cutesy tee & feel sort of ‘put together’. I'm thinking my over worn pleather trousers will look perfect with it.

Thanks for all the lovely comments on my last post, I'm feeling much perkier after my dissertation disaster! People on here being extra sweet & supportive during my dramatic moment honestly made my day a lot better. 

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