skater dress & DIY studded socks

Hat - H&M, Choker - DIY, Dress - c/o Cagecity, Belt - Primark, Socks - DIY, Boots - Charity Shop

Who doesn’t love a skater dress?! I don’t think there is any body shape that wouldn’t look nice in one. They’re not like short shorts or crop tops, they’re something we can all rely on, even on the chunky days! I know recently I’ve been feeling like I just want to dress comfy, I can’t cope with being too wrapped up in items that are too restrictive. I think I’ll blame it on long days at uni spent writing my dissertation.. basically, I want to roll in in jogging bottoms & trainers, but even I can’t quite live up to being that much of a ‘student’.

The little sockies are one of the very first things I ever posted on my blog. Surprisingly, the studs have lasted! I expected them to drop out after one wash but I’ve actually worn them loads! I definitely want to make some more over summer when I’ve got more free time. Hopefully I’ll get chance to post a few summer DIY projects! 

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