DIY leg chain outfit

Coat - Miss Selfridge, Oversized Tee - Urban Outfitters, Leg Chain - DIY, Platform Trainers - Charity Shop

Every so often, I get that craving for something crafty. I just have to sit faffing around with something, whether it’s making friendship bracelets or a floral headband. A few weeks ago I made this little leg chain, after spending a while looking for a new form of procrastination. It’s really simple to make so I’m not going to go into a whole ‘Step One – Trip to Hobbycraft blah di blah’ ha.. but here’s the gist of it.  

All I did was create a couple of loops of chain (just cheap stuff from a craft shop) big enough to pop my leg through, then attached them to a longer strip that had a safety pin on the end. That way I can just attach it to some part of whatever I’m wearing that isn’t visible.. the lining of short pockets is a good one! You can make them way more fancy than I’ve done, I’m thinking of doing some one with little tassel-y bits on over the summer. So many DIYS & not enough time!

Right, that’s my blogging break from revision over. Boo. How’s everyone handling the horrible exam season?! All we’ve got to think is that it’ll all be done in no time & then it’s summer. YAY.

Oh & excuse the plucked chicken legs. I was being a little optimistic (as per) with getting the legs out. 

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