charity shop maxi skirt & lace

  Top - Charity Shop, Hat - Boohoo, Bag - c/o Paul's Boutique, Necklace - ,Skirt - Charity Shop, Sandals - Primark

Even though it's still insanely hot, me and my mumma decided to go for a coffee. Sometimes you just need it, don't ya?! We went to so,e cute secret garden esq cafe and managed to get a few outfit snaps on the way.

Like today's outfit, I do sometimes end up wearing all charity shop stuff. A lot of my favourite things in my wardrobe are from my local chazza shop. The lace top above is something that probably cost me about 50p. I've worn it so much and it's something that I'm unlikely to see on the high street. While I'm not one to be like 'ooh I'm not wearing that everyone's got it', it is nice to find something a little bit different. There's always that victorious feeling you get in charity shops when you find something that would be £30 in Topshop for a couple of pounds. 

 If you'd like to nominate me to be Cosmo's 'Best New Fashion Blog' then I'd be over the blimmin' moon!
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