Blogging does take a lot of effort, and while I enjoy the whole process, I do think there are days when you just don't feel 'blog ready'. By that I mean the sort of days when you kind of want to write a blog post but also kind of want to sit in pyjamas all day eating last night's left over pizza. With work, life and blogging to manage I still like to squeeze in these odd lazy days. While these aren't lazy blog posts (they can involve as much or little effort as you want..), I do think they're good 'uns for days when you'd rather blog without having to feature yourself/move from the settee.

1. Outfit Layouts
This is my favourite when I'm feeling the fashion sort of thing but don't actually want to get dressed. Lol.. I'm forever taking these then editing out my slippers that have snuck into the bottom of the shot. Glamorous. If you're just not up for taking a whole load of pictures of yourself then this is a good option and you can plan a few your outfits ahead while you're at it.

2. Collections
Shoes, matte lipsticks, favourite books.. You know what I mean. I'm up for a duvet day, talking what lip colours I love and watching 5 seasons of a show on Netflix.

3. Accessory Details
I like details posts, even though they're generally shorter and more to the point. Sometimes I find things get lost in posts that have lots going on, so if it's worth a post of its own then I'll do that. I can take a quick picture of fancy new shoes or some jewellery pieces without even having a change out of my comfies. Marvellous.

4. What's In My Bag
Because some of us are just nosey and want to see what's going on in folk's handbags alongside the apocalypse worthy supply of rogue tampons and screwed up receipts. It might not be of interest to everyone, but I've come across a lot of handbag essentials from these posts.

5. Inspiration Posts
This is one I'm going to save for my next lazy blogging day.. When I spend half my life procrastinating on Pinterest I might as well do a blog about what inspo I'm stocking up on. It's easy to run out of ideas with blogging (well, I hope it is.. 'cause I do), so getting re-inspired is always fun.

6. Blog Love
One I definitely want to do. I love a bit of blog positivity and it's always nice to pass 'feel good' vibes on. This one you can do from the comfort of your own bed, whilst having a major blog stalk.

7. Instagram Round Ups
I guess not everyone who's into reading blogs is that obsessed with Instagram, and vice versa. My Instagram is mostly little bits and bobs that never really get covered on here - different outfits, quick snaps of a nice lunch out, that sort of thing, so I think if you've got a bit more to say about something it's worth sticking in a post. It's one of those quick and easy posts but also quite personal.

8. Wish Lists
UGH. I try not to do these that often mostly because they lead to me excessively spending or getting the grumps on when I can't afford that mega skirt I've just spent the last half an hour lusting over. Online window shopping turned into a blog post doesn't take a huge amount of time but I always think these are nice posts to flick through. The minute I start reading one of these blog posts my bank balance has a nervy b.

9. Recent Favourites
Roll out of bed, gather all your recent loves together and wham, bam, thank 'ya mam.. That's a blog post pretty much sorted. Well, not quite.. But I find yakking on about things I've really been loving is a lot easier than trying to talk about that pair of black jeans that I wear in every other post.

10. Lazy Day Essentials
Yeah, the shot of me in Hello Kitty PJs probably won't be included, but the other behind the scenes bits and bobs can be squished together for a lifestyle post. For me it'd mostly be fluffy socks, Kettle Chips and The Breakfast Club.


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