playsuit love

Sunglasses - Primark, Playsuit - c/o Motel Rocks, Belt - New Look, Velvet Shirt - Charity Shop Boots - Docs

I cannot believe how cute this playsuit is. The pattern is perfect for summer.. or it would be if we were actually having a decent one! It looks like a cute little dress from the front. Everybody knows that I love cute little dresses, but I don’t have to worry about losing my dignity in this beaut. 

The lippy I’m wearing is called 'Ignite' by Illamasqua, a gorgeous orangey-red colour. I really should wear it more. I love blondes with red lipstick, but I always go for pinks for some reason. I'm a girly girl forevs. Every time I wear the playsuit I go for this lipstick, perfect match don’t you think?!

P.S my hair is slightly dishevelled as it was raining when I took these pictures. No way was this weather going to stop me! Dedication at its best ;) ha. 


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