cat & moon tee

Hat - Primark, Necklace - DIY, Tee - c/o The Kitten's Whiskers, Tights - Henry Holland, Creepers – Underground via Ebay, Red Bracelet - Vintage
I've been trying to find something to wear with these tights & finally found it in the form of a baggy tee. It is just too adorable. I'm a massive mad cat lady, so anything with a kitty on is going to be a hit with me. It's hand made by Laila, who ethically sources the majority of her products (another hit). She has some really cute upcycled goodies, so definitely have a look at her shop 'The Kitten's Whiskers'. Pop 'FASHIONINFLUX15' in at the checkout to get 15% off.. wahay! Laila also has a lovely blog where you can also have a gander at some of her DIYs. Have a little nosey here!
I've had a small spend (whoops) that could become a haul if people would be interested? I've only got a few bits but some of them were bargains!

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