ebay lust list

1. Here. £3.24, 2. Here. £6.94, 3. Here. £7.98, 4. Here. £18. 90, 5. Here. £8.98, 6. Here. £31.98, 7. Here. £1.97, 8. Here. £4.05
I've seen so many cool eBay blog posts that I thought it was about time I showed you what's on my wish list! Frankie's latest one on her blog had me wanting to break into a bank & get me some pretend cheapo Unif Hellraisers.. They're so hot!

Think I'm definitely going to have to order a few of these turtle necks for the winter. The American Apparel ones are on my luxury lust list but what is with the price?! Ugh seriously, I'm a student! Same with the socks, I think a few quid for a pair is more than enough. I want to spend the next few months hibernating in thigh highs & cosy jumpers until the sun comes back out.

Oooh does anyone have any amazing ideas for Halloween costumes?! I could really do with some ideas.. I love getting all dressed up but this year I'm stuck. The skeleton leggings may just have to make it into my wardrobe, even if I don't wear them for Halloween.

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