BOY jumper & pencil skirt

Hat - H&M, Sunglasses - H&M, Jumper - c/o SheInside, Belt - Primark, Skirt - Primark, Boots - c/o Missguided

For some reason, my camera doesn't like it when I've had my roots done. It seems to have a little nervy b & all the pictures end up a bit over exposed. My hair isn't that bright surely?! I've finally got rid of the corn growing on tarmac look. Praise the Lord. I haven't got an excuse to spend every day of my life in a beanie now. Ahhh let's be honest, nothing is gonna part me from my hats! Ha.

How cool is this jumper? I knowww I know, it's a copy of the actual BOY London ones, but I'd have never been spending that much on a jumper anyway. I guess this might make me a bit of a wannabe hipster haha.. I'm definitely too old to care about that sort of thing these days! If it looks alright then what the hell ey? I went a little out of my comfort zone & went for white instead of my usual black.. Don't go too crazy Lydia! I'm definitely getting into this monochrome trend.. especially when it's with some bright accessories. I think I need a crazy neon rucksack or something. H&M needs to hook me up.

The skirt is one I picked up today for a fiver. Good old Primark. It's nothing out of the ordinary but for 5 quid I can't grumble! It probably gives me a bit too much booty but that's not always a bad thing. Ha. I've got a few bits I've been meaning to put together in a mini haul, including Primark S/S accessories..  anyone fancy a post on that?!

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