the outfit, the face, the hair #1

Top - Topshop, Shorts - c/o SheInside, Ring - H&M, Watch - c/o Daniel Wellington, Creepers - Ebay

 I get lots of questions about my hair & make-up so I decided it was time to cover the lot..  I'm thinking on days when I've made a real effort in every department I might pop a post like this up, whadya think?!

The Outfit
Hello shorts of dreams. Aren't they just little beauts?! The neon detail is perfect. I know you can get the exact same pair from Zara but I think these work out cheaper if you're willing to wait a bit longer for postage. It's actually really put me off Zara, as I've now realised a lot of their stock is just bought in bulk from places.. boo!

The Face
L'Oreal Lasting Perfection Foundation (Natural Rose), MAC Pro Longwear Concealer (NW20), MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural (Medium Plus), MAC Powder Blush (Prism), Illamasqua Eyebrow Cake (Thunder), Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette (Venus, Naked 2, Faint & Crave), Clinque High Impact Extreme Volume Mascara (Extreme Black), MACLip Pencil (Spice), Clear Gloss

This is quite a lot of make-up for me.. most days I just make sure I've got the foundation/concealer in check, no way is acne making me feel crappy about myself!  

The Hair
I didn't actually do much with my hair today. This is just how my hair goes when I blow dry it sort of straight.  I mostly 'blast' it dry upside down then fluff it up a bit so that it doesn't stick to my head quite so much.. flat hair syndrome is not the one!

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