off the shoulder dress

Choker - DIY, Dress - c/o Lashes of London, Boots - Aggy X Dr. Martens

When this dress arrived, I knew it was completely dreamy. It’s like 90s Cher from Clueless esq. number.. Obviously a hit with me! Anything that is an off the shoulder fit is a hit with me. I always think a bit of a collar bone is a good way to flash some flesh. Especially when you’re feeling at your summer bronze peak. I love the pale and interesting look, but when it gets to summer I want to feel like I’ve got my tan on. I’m not looking for a TOWIE style varnish, just a little glow!

I opted against heels with this dress as really, I don’t wear them all that much. I would love my life to be a tad more glamorous, so that I could spend my days tripping about to exciting meetings in Louboutin’s.. but that’s something to aim for right?! For now, I’m a chunky boot girl and that will do for me. 

I’m off now for an evening purchasing last minute bits for my holiday (did I tell you I was going to NY?! Haha.. just kidding!). Is it sad that I'm mostly excited about planning outfits & showing you all?!

If you'd like to nominate me to be Cosmo's 'Best New Fashion Blog' then I'd be over the blimmin' moon!


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