Hat - c/o My Brother, Dress - American Apparel, Shirt - Charity Shop, Belt - Primark, Boots - Forever 21
I think this is one of my favourite outfits in a while. It's not at all posh, I'm not really wearing anything that's 'on trend', but I know I was super comfy and felt kind of good in what I had on. Probably because that dress is a dream. It's one I found in TK Maxx for £9.99 (yep, I squealed a bit), and despite being two sizes too big I still chose to buy it. Who passes up American Apparel at that price?! It's quite oversized on me, but I like that it's a dress I can go to on a lazy day. The boob sitch is one I've battled with.. I'm always frightened I'll look down and one will have escaped. I did dare wear it last summer with my chest on show, but that was in NY, and if you can't flash the girls a bit in NY when can you? This time I just wore it with a huge snuggly scarf.. Boob slip averted.