hoodie outfit

Hoodie - Primark, T Shirt - c/o Educate & Elevate, Leggings - Local Market, Creepers - Ebay

I’ll quite happily admit that I am always the last person to jump on the bandwagon, and the last person to jump off it. Hence why I’m wearing the leggings everyone went mad for a month or so ago! And creepers. I got my first pair about a year ago, and I’m still wearing them even though they are everywhere. I still think they’re sexy!!

I’ve been lazing about in this outfit, with just a little trip to the charity shops. It wasn't a very successful outing.. I came away with nothing! I fancied doing a little charity shop haul, but I guess it’ll have to wait. One week I’ll go in & want to buy everything, the next I come out empty handed and feeling like I need to wash my hands. Fellow charity-shoppers will understand I’m sure! 

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