bargain pleather trousers & mint jumper

Headband - Primark, Sunglasses - H&M, Jumper - H&M, Trousers - H&M, Boots - Aggy X Dr. Martens

Today was a bad picture day. I wanted to show you all how nice these trousers are & I don’t really think I’m doing a very good job! I’ve been looking for a pair just like this for a while now & was so happy when I finally found some. Being a student, I find it hard to part with more than £20 on one thing. Is that just me being tight?! Luckily, H&M came up with the pleather trouser goods. They were marked up at £15 in the sale but I got them to the till & they were £7! How good is that?! I was a very happy bunny. I love sales that are actually really cheap. To me, if there isn’t stuff under a tenner then it isn’t a sale! Yep, I’ve come to the conclusion that I am a cheapskate. Ha.

If you hadn’t already noticed, I’m a bit of a H&M addict at the mo. It’s rare that I were an outfit without a H&M item included. The jumper is another cheap purchase I showed you all in my last haul. Isn’t the colour lovely?! I can’t wait to wear it over pretty dresses in the summer.

I am also wearing sunglasses in January, in the snow. I know it seems a little silly but once again, wearing no eye makeup resulted in my face looking crazy. Is everyone enjoying the snowy weather?! I had to pop the picture of the snow in just because of the kitty paw prints. So cute. 

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