pink neon leggings & a bowler hat

Hat - H&M, Shirt - Charity Shop, Necklace - c/o A Weathered Penny, Leggings - c/o She Likes, Creepers - Ebay, Turquoise Ring - Primark, Thumb Ring - H&M, Silver Bracelet - c/o Boho Betty, Chunky Bracelet - Gift

Are these leggings the brightest thing I’ve worn since the summer left us?! I think they might be. I’m loving neon at the minute so they’re a big hit. I wasn’t really sure how I’d wear them but as soon as I rolled the ankles up I knew they’d be perfect with any long loose top. Maybe I should have got bright green though.. it is St. Paddy’s day after all!

For once, I actually remembered to put all my jewellery on to take blog pictures. I’m usually in such a rush to get outfit photos taken that I forget about the stacks of rings that I add before I go out.  I’ve got the evil eye necklace on that I was talking about in my last post too.. I don't change up my necklaces much (I wear the same shoddy choker most days) but this one is a new fave. I love it with the lacy bit on my shirt.

I’m sure you’ll have all heard that GFC is meant to be disappearing but if not here’s the links to import all the blogs you follow on there to bloglovin’ or to follow my blog if you fancy! I’ve already imported all mine but I’m kind of annoyed that they’re (supposedly) not giving anyone much option! Oooh rant over. Ha.  

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