motel rocks dress & palmer's goodies

Kitty Cat Ears - c/o SheInside, Choker - DIY, Dress - c/o Motel Rocks, Boots - Aggy X Dr. Martens
Palmer's Cocoa Butter Goodies - c/o Motel Rocks

I can assure you it isn’t quite as snowy up North as it is in these pictures, I just ended up taking these pictures in a blizzard. That’s becoming quite a regular thing isn’t it?! Ah dear just put me on a plane to Ibeeefa please.

The snow actually makes this little red dress look extra pretty I think, it makes it stand out more! I’ve been wanting one of these off the shoulder dresses for ages, I think it’s such a flattering style. I’m a big fan of flashing a bit of collar bone! You can get this dress in loads of colours and naturally, I’m lusting after them all. There’s a bright blue one that is dead pretty.. do I need another dress?!

Motel Rocks also treated me to some loverrrly Palmer’s Cocoa Butter bits, day made! I al
ways end up sniffing this stuff when I pop in Boots (everything smells too tasty to be true), but never actually got round to picking anything up. I’m mega impressed with the gradual tan, me & my mamma have been using it the last few days & we now smell like chocolate bars & don’t less ghostly. Winner.  

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