Hat - H&M, Choker - eBay, Jumper - H&M, Coat - Boohoo, Flares - H&M, Bag - Primark, Creepers - eBay

Today I've only got a few snaps for you, mainly because I've just invested in a new lens & right now I'm trying to work it all out. Can you spot the difference?! I decided the Canon 50mm 1.8 thingymabobby (yep, that all means nothing to me) was the one for me after getting major blog picture envy after way too much time spent on Megan's blog. How lovely are her outfit shots?! 

Outfit wise, I'm really wrapped up here due to the fact I'm into day 6 of the dreaded winter cold. Make-up free & wrapped in about 5 layers, what a delight. I was only off to chow down on some comfort food (illness is an excuse to eat like food is going out of fashion right?!) so I just threw on anything that would go with my new pink coat, the piéce de résistance of this post. I'm so happy to finally find a cheaper pastel coat.. I just couldn't justify parting with £70+ for something that I wasn't sure I'd wear much. This one is now my Legally Blonde coat. LOVE. 

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