Mom Jeans were probably last year's thing, but I still like this pair because they're comfy and they're about the only pair I can get in without the worry that I may or may not now be too chubby for them. That's mainly because they started a size too big, but either way, they're my 'I cba to vacuum pack myself in my black skinnies' jeans.
We took these pictures just before a quick trip to town. I don't know when I became one of those people that feels like a weekend isn't a weekend unless I've been out for coffee, but it definitely happened. Is it a twenties thing? Is this what we do? Anyway, a quick trip to Costa (-fortune, as my Pa calls it) makes a nice break in-between getting some blog work done.
The pointed flats I'm wearing are that really cheap version from Topshop. I went for those as I really need to force myself to wear something other than my adidas Superstars on days off (they're the comfiest, ever). I do like these for casual days, they're cute and they don't rub my feet to bits, but I think I'll need to invest in a studier pair for winter. Oh how the Celine version would make my life!