Welcome to me sharing the joys of oily skin. If you’re prone to an oil slick complexion like me, you’re going to know that it can be a complete pain in the ass… Imagine a world where your foundation hasn’t slid off your face by 12pm?!

Recently, I’ve got very stomp-y footed about oily skin problems. I’ve just about got my acne under control, but was still plagued with a T-Zone that hates me. Admittedly, I wasn’t being very good to my skin – there’s nothing like waking up with Saturday night’s makeup on to realise you’re a mess. Lol. While I do still have my blips, I have managed to force myself into some sort of routine, specifically targeting oily issues. Buying a few new products definitely helped – kind of like when you buy new gym clothes to motivate yourself into facing the cross trainer. Now I’ve got some new bits that I’m actually seeing results with I’m happy to spend an extra 10 minutes giving my skin a treat….
In general, I needed a cleanser in my life. Once I get into the habit with skincare, I love that squeaky clean feel. I use this after cleansing all my makeup off just to make sure my skin is completely bare… These days I don’t feel like just taking my makeup off is enough! I need something that's a proper wash, leaving my face feeling fresh. I’m not sure this has done too much to clear out my pores, but it definitely leaves my skin feeling super clean without being overly stripped of oil.

My favourite skincare product right now. The first time I used it a friend asked if I’d had botox as my skin looked so firm… Always up for something that’s going to give me a little lift! It does a great job of getting rid of oil without leaving my skin too tight and in general, I just think my skin looks perkier after using it. If you’re another level of oily like me, then it’s one to try.

I spoke about this one briefly in a recent post, but after using it on some more horror spots I’m completely sold. It does wonders for getting rid of redness and swelling – I’m one of those sickening Dr. Pimple Popper sorts that finds it impossible to leave blemishes alone. From the tiniest thing I can create a disaster, so I’m loving this product for calming things down. I’m a big fan of the fragrance too – I'm into anything clean and antiseptic-y smelling!

Proactiv Complexion Perfecting Hydrator
Proactiv+ is another thing I’ve spoken about previously, although it was a while back now. I actually still use all the products regularly, especially when I’m having a breakout. Even on good days though I still use their moisturiser… My oiliest of complexions needs hydrating! This one adds zero grease to my face, but makes it feel plump and refreshed. I also know it’s not going to antagonize any blemishes. It was a product I was gifted, but I'll definitely go and purchase this when I've used it up. 


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