snake eyes dress & creepers

Hat - H&M, Turtle Neck - H&M,  Dress - c/o Yayer, Belt - Primark, Creepers - Ebay

I’m slightly more appropriate today, aren’t I? I’ve even put a pair of tights on! What’s up with me?! I actually think this outfit is better with them. My relationship with tights is definitely a love/hate thing. If the things didn’t rip the first time you wore them I’d probably be much more inclined to love them!

Say hello to my new ‘I need something flattering dress’. You know when you just want something comfortable, that isn’t going to make you look like a sack of potatoes. This is it.. a food baby dress. I always think seams down the body of a dress are flattering, which is why I’m now thinking I need this one in a rainbow of colours. Owwh if only I had lots of pennies. 

 Thought I'd be a bit cheeky and mention the Company Blog Awards. I've already nominated my faves, so if even just one person fancies putting me up then my day/week/month will be official made!

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