crescent moon jumper & exciting news!

Hat - H&M, Sunglasses - Primark, Jumper - c/o Daisy Street, Lace Skirt - River Island, Platform Trainers - Charity Shop
Lipstick - Illamasqua (Ignite), Nails - Sinful Colours (Bikini) & Rimmel Matte Top Coat

I’m sure I’ll have probably posted an outfit just like this in the past.. I guess it’s just my sort of thing isn’t it? I have just about managed to get out of my all black obsession, but I just thought the jumper went well the the gothy little lace number. The skirt was purchased in the River Island sale many moons ago (hehe worst joke ever Lydia) and has been paired with lots of baggy over sized tops to cover up a bit. I’m actually wearing gym shorts under it.. dead trendy. Not. Ha.

On to my big news! A few of you will have already seen me getting all giddy on Twitter/Instagram, but I wanted to let the rest of you know that I only went & won the Boohoo #globalstyler competition! How insane is that?! Especially when so many amazingly stylish people entered, I thought I had no chance. Regardless of the prize, I'd have had the biggest smile on my face just to be able to say I'd won it! Things like this do not happen to me.. My life is generally like a scene from Miranda, so I’m trying to not get too ridiculously excited about it yet because I feel like it’s way too good to be true!  Sorry about the exclamation mark overload there, this not getting too excited business is difficult. Ha.

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