24 February 2015


I get quite a lot of questions about my hair, mostly since I got rid of the roots and went for this grown out ombre sorta thaaang. I go to a little local salon (The Basement) who always whizz my hair into a dream so thought I'd tick off any questions in one go. 


This is the bit I get most questions about. I was never obsessed with the whole ombre thing, but I do now love the grown out blonde sort of look opposed to my corn growing on tarmac look when I needed to go get my roots done. I'll always like the full blonde thing, but it is a bit of a pain to keep up with. When I changed it up I asked for roots that looked like they'd grown out naturally, fading into my original blonde. I took plenty of pictures, mostly because I'm crap at explaining things so this made life a lot easier. Colour wise, the darker part is a slightly warmer version of my naturally ashy roots. The blonde mostly stays the same, although I might have a few extra highlights popped in if I want to go a bit lighter higher up. I also live by toner for getting rid of any brassiness. The thing I love about ombre hair is that you don't have to be constantly going to the hairdressers. I can leave it 12 or so weeks and not have awful roots. Winner. 


When it comes to getting my hair cut I am a bit precious about those split ends. Yeah, I know they're looking totally straggly, but they're taking me just below my bra strap and that I like. I do try to be brave every so often and get a good inch or so taken off every other trip to the hairdressers. All I ask for is a straight, blunt cut. I love seeing that it's a nice, sharp finish - plus it makes it look a million times healthier. I would say if you're wanting to grow your hair don't feel pressured into the BS that cutting your hair helps it to grow. Grow healthy, yeah, but it ain't suddenly going to start sprouting from your head like weeds. When I was growing my hair I just stuck to the bare minimum sort of trims. Now I'm happy with the length I don't mind having a bit extra lopped off. Having a hairdresser you can trust to not leave you having that 'errrmygahhhd I asked for a trim & I've got a bob' moment is always handy. 


On a whole, it's always curls for me (or some sort of dishevelled look). I just think with ombre styles it shoes off the colour so much more. I usually stick in a bit of a wave with my Enrapture Totem Styler, but for this salon trip we tried out the Babyliss Pro Perfect Curl. Have you seen this thing being used?! Mind. Blown. How it works without creating a total disaster I don't know, but it does give you those 'perfect' looking curls. They lasted me the rest of the weekend too. LOVE.

So, that's the lowdown on my current hair. I say current, but I don't actually change things up much so it'll probably stay like this for a good while longer!  If you are in the Sheffield area it's worth popping into The Basement. I've been going to my hairdresser (ask for Katie) for years now and the team there are really lovely.

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  1. Your hair is the dream! So gorgeous <3

    Andini xx | Adventures of an Anglophile

  2. i have a serious hair envy of your hair, especially the colour - it's perfect ! what a great post x

    CLUB AVENUE / http://club-avenue.blogspot.com / instagram

  3. love it Lydia...it definitely looks so much easier to keep up with and the styling is just impeccable <3


  4. I've only just recently started ombre by darkening the top of my head to a natural dark blonde and keeping the blonde on the ends that I previously had all over and I love it!

    It's so much more practical than going to the hairdresser every 4-6 weeks to get roots redone.

    I actually realise how cost effective it is too, I'm saving so much already haha.


  5. Oh my! Your hair is just perfectly gorgeous!!!

    Lime & Life

  6. Such beautiful hair! 😍😍

  7. Love your hair, it's a subtle ombre, very beautiful. I'd love to try the Babyliss as curls never stay on me but I'm so afraid my hair would be stuck in it...


  8. I like the hair style!


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  10. Absolutely gorgeous hair Lydia, you look beautiful <3

    I have a new outfit post on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


  11. you have such an amazing hair! I love your blog by the way!


  12. you are so beautiful and your hair looks absolutely amazing! ♥


  13. Beautiful hair! ♥


  14. Your hair looks so gorgeous here! I'm so tempted to go ashy blonde like this - think this colour looks amazing on you :) xx


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