13 February 2016


With blogging, comes great responsibility. Lol. I'm kidding. Partly. I know really that blogging is pretty much fun and games... However, I also think that there are some stumbling blocks that you encounter, that you end up having to get your head around before you can work out the situation. After 3 ish (is it that long?! It could be longer!) years of blogging, I've definitely come across a fair few blogger issues that I've now learnt to deal with. These are the five biggies that I reckon most of us will have had experience with, and the ones that I think I've now sussed out. 

Knowing when to say no. 

This was one I struggled with for a while, because with blogging I feel like you never want to seem ungrateful. At the same time, people can take the p*ss with bloggers. Learning when to say no was a big deal for me, and I think I've really had to work on finding the balance with being firm yet polite. I've had times when I've had to put my foot down, and most of the time the response has been positive - I think brands really value your integrity as a blogger! I usually go with gut feelings - if I think it's not right for me, then it probably isn't. 

Being okay with looking at yourself. 

In detail. And in HD. From every angle. All the freaking time. Then you've actually got to be okay with that. Okay with 90million pores that could swallow up a small village. I honestly think if I didn't blog I wouldn't be aware of half the things about my appearance that I am now. But then, I'm looking at myself through the lens of a DSLR camera which unfortunately picks up everything. To the naked eye, who actually notices all that detail?! Blogging for me can lead to a lot of over analysis, but eventually I just got used to it. If anything, I've seen that many terrible pictures of myself that I'm now pretty blasé about it - I'm over caring that one eyebrow is Prada and the other is Primark. 

Learning to judge your own worth. 

There's no denying there's a lot of money involved with blogging these days. From little paid ads on your page to the bigger campaign stuff, working out what you should actually be valuing yourself at is tough! Admittedly, there have been times when I've had no idea how to judge what I'm 'worth' as a blogger... When people start asking about money it's a bit like 'you mean I can get paid for any of this?!'. After a while though you do begin to get a better idea. I've found talking to other bloggers about it has been helpful, as most are completely lovely about discussing it. 

Having blogging ups and downs. 

I've had so many times when I've been ready to sack off blogging all together. I tend to have peaks and troughs - sometimes I love it, then I'll have occasions where I'm ready to pop my internet bubble. There'll be times I feel super inspired and want to write a million and one posts, and others where I'd rather sit on Bloglovin' looking through amazing content and feeling sorry for myself because I can't think of bugger all to write. The grumpy blogging times usually don't last long for me, so I've learnt to see it through, get re-inspired and just stop being an all round misery. 

Dealing with negativity. 

I'm not going to lie, there are times when someone's put an unnecessary comment on my Instagram and all I really want to reply is 'you're actually horrible and I hate you'. It probably would make me feel a widgy bit better, but I don't like to let negativity get to me. I totally get that putting yourself on the internet does leave you open to everyone's opinion, but there's a line between constructive criticism and being rude. The fact is, not every person is going to like what you do, and accepting that is something I got used to quickly. For all the niceness that comes your way, there will always be the odd Debbie Downer and as much as it can bug me (it's always the odd nasty comment that sticks with you, isn't it?!) learning to just think 'whatever' helps me be a much happier blogger. 



  1. "One eyebrow is Prada and the other is Primark" possibly my favourite quote ever! I love this post, I've only been blogging for a little over a year, but I feel as though I've learnt a lot already! I would love to work with brands, but haven't had the opportunity as of yet, do you have any tips for opening yourself up for collaborations? I'd love to work with fellow bloggers too!


  2. Learning to say no is so important. I think so many brands take advantage of new bloggers, and expect them to do everything for them with no return for the blogger. The photos thing is so true! I wouldn't be able to see half of my pores without my DSLR!

    Steph - http://nourishmeclean.blogspot.com

  3. These are so true !

    Win 14 lipsticks from Makeup Revolution !

  4. this is such a great post, I completely agree I think bloggers are their own biggest critic


  5. Love this post. Prada vs Primark made me laugh!

    Ella xx


  6. Yes, so much truth. Especially learning to say no!

    Hannah | Oh January

  7. Love these points - even after blogging for so many years I still face some of these issues today!xx


  8. I love your posts, they're so down to earth and your writing style seems like you're talking as you would to a regular friend. You are definitely an inspiration to us fellow bloggers xx

  9. Loved this, I recently started blogging (from Christmas) and reading this has really shown a new light to me of what to expect and how to handle it xx thankyou!
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  10. Great post! Always so interesting to know other bloggers take on things



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