7 January 2016


If you’re a regular reader of my blog, at some point you may have seen me mention that my skin is by no means perfect. It’s something I don’t mind sharing – I’m never keen on the idea of folk being under the illusion that Instagram selfies are a complete representation of reality. I can unashamedly admit that it’s with the help of good lighting, heavy coverage foundation and the odd Instagram filter that my skin looks decent.
In fact, I’ve had bouts of acne from being a teenager, with breakouts still frequent now I’m in my 20s. While I know my case isn’t the worst in the world, it’s very rare for my skin to be clear. I have an oily t-zone and some whopping pores working against me, as well as being prone to those annoying dry patches left behind by blemishes gone by… So yep, it’s a brilliant combination! Alongside those usual forehead blighters, my main problem area is around my jaw line and neck. It’s weird really… That was never the issue as a teen, yet these days it’s the place I find hardest to tackle.

So, as we head into 2016 I’m really looking to work on giving my skin the best chance it’s got. I’m not terrible with my skincare regime, but I’m going to be trying out the Proactiv+ Deluxe Core Kit to really get myself into a routine. I haven’t stuck with any skincare products for a good while, so I’m looking forward to properly trying this out!
The kit is made up of a Skin Smoothing Exfoliator, Pore Tightening Treatment and Complexion Perfecting Hydrator, all designed to use morning and night. The 3-step system is packed with blemish banishing ingredients, while also focusing on cleansing, clearing out yucky pores and keeping the skin soft & moisturised. There’s also the weekly Skin Purifying Mask, on hand when an emergency breakout remedy is required, as well as the Mark Removing Pads. I’m really excited to give those a go… One problem I find with tricky skin is that even after the breakout has died a death, I’m still left with hyper-pigmented skin that takes as just as much covering up.

I’ll be keeping you updated with how I get on and sharing the results when the 8-week course is up… Hopefully we’ll see some good results! It would be loverrrly to think I could get to a point where I could (mostly) say farewell to the full coverage foundation. In the mean time, there are some handy 'How to' videos showing a bit more about how I’ll be using the products. Have any of you guys tried any products from the Proactiv+ range?

*This post is sponsored, all views are my own.


  1. It's so refreshing to see photos like this! I've not heard of Proactiv+ but their range of products looks fantastic, like there's something to solve every issue!

    Sinéad ♥ fabuleuse, toujours ♥

  2. I am exactly the same as you! I suffer with such bad skin at times, one week it'll be super clear then the next I literally refuse to go out of the house There doesn't seem to be a happy medium for me anywhere! I have never heard of these products but I look forward to hearing what you have to say :)

    xoxo, Lauren | The Dazzle Guide

  3. I will recommend this line to my cousin with acne issues.


  4. Excited to see the results !


  5. I have troubled skin too, it's really oily but also dehydrated. I've seen Proactiv but it's never been one I've gravitated towards, I look forward to seeing the results in 8 weeks!

    Dionne x

    DeeDee Louise

  6. I've been looking to try this set out, let us know how it turns out. Lovely post.


  7. These sound interesting, especially the mask! You still look gorgeous without make up though x

  8. My skin has recently got really bad so I'd love to try out this brand, it looks so good!
    Maddy, xo

  9. I've always suffered with my skin and adult acne has plagued me, I used proactiv a few years back and it transformed my skin! Highly recommend it!

    Lucy x- Yellowicing

  10. I think you look beautiful without makeup. Great to read about the products you are enjoying using, too!

    XO Amie

    http://www.creditcrunchchic.com">Credit Crunch Chic.

  11. looking forward to reading the results
    ive followed your blog for a while i think you are brave for putting yourself out there with no make-up well done x

  12. I have really similar skin to you and without makeup i think people would get a shock! ha I've always been interested to know wether this works after seeing the adverts for years so it would be interesting to see how you get on!


  13. I have heard of this brand on TV and its one you think "nah it wont work" but your skin is looking so good :) nobody is EVER going to be perfect, but you're beautiful without makeup (and with!)
    Jess www.beautifulbreakable.com

  14. Really like it. makes your face feel so soft and clean with Proactiv.


  15. I plan to pick up a couple of these products the next time I see them. 


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