8 March 2016


I remember starting blogging and thinking it was a bit silly. I guess blogging has reached another level since then, but at the time I did feel a bit daft about it. If you're not an overly confident person, then deciding to post pictures of yourself for the world to see can be daunting. It took me a long time to actually consider myself as a blogger, never mind being able to talk about it and big it up. Now I'm okay about saying 'yeah I'm a blogger', and I'm happy for people to know that it's out there. For really becoming confident about your little online baby, here's what I think works.

See it as more than a hobby.
The minute I started considering my blog as my mini business, I thought it sounded a lot more impressive. It changed my mindset, from some daft little hobby to something I was really working on - I could put it on CVs and talk to my Nanna about when she was wondering what the hell I was doing with my life (uni days y'know?). I see my blog as my part time job now, regardless of how much or little it pays. Realising your blog's importance made a big difference to feeling confident about it!

Share your successes.
It doesn't have to be winning an award, or being contacted by your dream company. I still tell my mum if a favourite blogger of mine comments on my Instagram or Tweets me - to me that's a success in itself. People that genuinely give a crap will be happy to hear you're doing well. We all need a little pat on the back sometimes.

Big up any plus sides.
Blogging perks are totally lovely. And to any none blogger, they do look kind of impressive. While I'm not suggesting being the annoying friend that brags about freebies and event invites, don't talk them down either! It's not horrible, it's really nice and us bloggers eally appreciate the plus sides. At the same time, blogger perks come with a lot of hard work, something that should only boost our confidence in what we're doing.

Let people look.
It's actually really comforting. Don't let them look and say 'oh well it's really silly, don't laugh' - be like 'yeah I worked really hard on this and I'm happy with how it turned out'. My bad habit is to do the former, even though in reality I know it isn't silly. Showing people has given me a lot more confidence in my blog, as in contrast to what I thought, the reaction has actually been really positive. To most folk, you going out of your way on something like this is pretty impressive.

Get together with other bloggers.
Meeting other bloggers really does make you feel like you're not the only person in the world that's typing this stuff up. I find it gives me a real surge of motivation, and when I'm motivated, I feel more confident about things. Alternatively, when I'm down in the dumps, I start having the usual 'my blog is crap' chat and we end up on a confidence downward spiral. I love to hear from other blogging girls and really get the good vibes about blogging going!
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  1. Great post, some amazing tips and I totally agree with all of them x

    Millie x

  2. I always thought that people would make fun of my blog but when I told my friends and family everyone was so supportive and interested, even though I may not have a lot of readers compared to other bloggers people still think it's impressive that I have strangers wanting to hear what I have to say
    The Lipstick, The Girl and Her Wardrobe

  3. I love this post! I'm attending my first ever 'blog meet up' in a few weeks and I really think it's going to give me a little boost! x
    Aisling | Aislings beauty bytes

  4. This is brilliant, such a great perspective into the blogging world!

    Hannah | Oh January

  5. With my blog my dream is to take pictures of my outfits, makeup and hair but I haven't gotten the confidence yet to do so. I hope I do become more confident and get myself a really good camera. I also love the idea of getting together with other bloggers because there is a lot that I have to learn about blogging and I think I will start doing that soon, hopefully I'm brave enough.


  6. I really need to listen to this, I don't show any of my friends etc my blog! and I still see it as more of a hobby, though I know it takes up a lot more time than a hobby! x

    Tamz | http://www.throughneweyesx.com

  7. I really appreciate this advice. My blog is new and I keep having those moments where I think it's silly,not good enough, I can't compete with other major bloggers, etc. But actually, I need to remember that I'm doing this for me, because I enjoy writing this stuff. I'm not competing, I am enjoying a hobby. If I like what I'm doing, that's all that matters.

    Love Siobhan www.feelingprettyvintage.co.uk

  8. Hey! I can relate to this post so much! I have recently started blogging but at the moment I have that 'my blog is crap' 'don't laugh' feel.
    I really want to become a successful blogger and really get myself out there! At the moment my friends and Facebook friends are my followers but I want to really get out there and get noticed! Can you give me any tips on doing this? :) Great post! A, x
    My blog; http://everydayvision.weebly.com

  9. Hey! I can relate to this post so much!
    I have recently just started my own blog but at the moment have very little confidence in my self and have that 'my blog is crap,don't laugh' outlook. I really want to become successful and get myself out there to people other than my Facebook friends etc. How do I do this and how to make it in to a little business rather than a hobby! Great post! X

  10. love it, an ispiration post!!

  11. Your blog is so inspiring, love this post 😘

  12. I'm so glad I have read this post! I always thought that people I know would find it silly if I started a blog, but I've finally decided to go ahead and start one!


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