1 June 2015


Ummhum. Back with a little moan. It's therapeutic, I'm sure. As much as I enjoy blogging I have mentioned that I have a few little grumbles about it that get on my wick. Nothing major, more niggles that I think some of you might relate to.. We all find things to moan about, no matter how much you love something.

 My lack of phone memory.
Anyone else got any blogging niggles?! Big yes to having a good First World Problems whinge.

I don't know why I need those 50 other selfies that didn't make the cut but I do. There's blog pictures, various editing apps for Instagram, numerous snaps of food - y'know the stuff. 90% of the time my phone has that irritating 'storage space is low' notification up. Go away please. 

Having to be a social butterfly.
I should probably be tweeting away and doing all this schmoozing and networking but admittedly, there are times when I'm much happier sat eating crisps, wearing ugly pyjamas and watching Absolutely Fabulous. On. My. Own. 

Social media censoring.
Sometimes I want to eff and jeff on social and I guess I do sort of censor myself. I guess that comes with not having personal Twitter/Instagram accounts, but there are occasions where I could do a lot more moaning about what a dick so & so on Big Brother is.

Having to appear like a cheerful Charlie.
As nice as it would be, we aren't all sunshine and rainbows. I'm more of the resting bitch face kind of gal. I'm not sad, it's not that I dislike you, this is just my face. It's probably more of a YouTube thing, but I do still think there's pressure to appear like life's constantly great.. When in fact you're having a nervy b about exams or family stuff or even just getting down about spots. Instead, you're there putting that tweet out about your latest post on the dreamy pink lippy and pretending life is all hip hip hooray. I'm not one for getting too personal online, but at the same time it's tough to not show the 'life is pants' parts. 

Having to be nice to grumps.
When I really want to tell them to piss off. Angrily. With various expletives. Yeah, putting yourself out there on the internet means you kind of have to accept that people have the right to voice their option.. But that doesn't mean I don't want to say BORE OFF every time someone does. It'd be great if we could ignore the nasty comments, but naturally they're the ones that stick in your head. And then you've got that 'trying to the bigger person' thaaang to deal with, when in reality there's a part of you that wants to say you're a horrible little toe rag and I hate you. LOL. There are times I do reply to bad comments, but most of the time I try to just delete them. 

Blog tips.
Don't get me wrong, I also love a good blogging related tip.. I've picked up some really great advice along the way from blog 'help' posts and the #bbloggers chats. Having said that, I do think you have to look at these things and realise that the vast majority of it is purely personal opinion. Just because someone likes plain backgrounds doesn't mean that your kitsch trinkets need to be shifted out of the way when taking blog pictures. I like to keep things white at the minute without too much mess, but that doesn't mean I'm right or that's how you should do it. If everyone blogged the same way it would be dull.

That pile of unopened stuff. 
Once upon a time I used to buy stuff, rip that packaging to bits and set off using it before I'd had chance to take a 50 plus pictures. These days, that new swish lippy sits there until I get round to blogging about it. The struggle is real.

Feeling guilty.
I'm forever having moments during my daily commute where I realise I haven't replied to someone's Tweet or emailed someone back and it makes me really bad. I do try to get back to people, but with working in social I do sometimes try to switch off a little bit when I get home. It's all on my to do list.. I may be the real life person that takes 2 years to reply to a text, but I will eventually get it together. 



  1. Bloody loved this post! Especially what you said about being on social media. If you scroll through my twitter account you would think I'm the happiest person in the world but I'm just not. I do have a good moan on there occasionally which I hate but it's the only place I can think of to vent. I end up deleting these to not seem like I'm a whingebag but then people just automatically assume my life is perfect. Drives me barmy!! But this post is definitely something I can relate too! Brilliantly written! :) xx

  2. I love this post. It is so open and honest and I feel the same about a lot of this. Thank you for sharing your feelings.



  3. Giveaway trolls annoy me the most... You know those that only engage in your posts when there's a giveaway, and it's always the same names popping up... That annoys me...

  4. Loved reading this ! There's nothing wrong with a bit of a whinge every once in a while

    Distant Dreamer

  5. Taking photos of new make-up before using it is the worst!
    Lovely Witches

  6. great list! My phone is constantly out of memory too so annoying xx lovejoystyles.com

  7. This made me chuckle, so true. I'm a resting bitch face kinda girl too and it always shows in my photos, oops! x

  8. Totally agree re: blog tips. It's all so personal - no one tip will suit all!

    Rachel | www.currentlyrachel.com

  9. Having to censor yourself on social media is a big one haha! I also am getting a little bored of all these blogging tips - they're all very samey! xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

  10. i've only just started blogging and i love it already, not that anyone reads my blog but it's such a release even though i am only a newbie, hope you find a way to fall back in love with blogging again! xx

  11. I think my biggest annoyances of blogging would have to be the pile of unopened stuff! I can totally relate when you have to kind of censor yourself too. Sometimes I panic and delete things in case people take things the wrong way! I guess you have just got to be careful!
    Jennie Emma

  12. Great post :) I do agree with the always having to be polite and nice to people can be a bit of a pain - especially when you've had a bad day and just want to hide in bed watching Netflix!

    Natalie Ann xo // Petal Poppet Blogs ♥

  13. I've just started my blog so have all this moaning to come! haha
    Also feeling like I'm going to have to update the storage memory on my card!

    Rebecca xx


  14. This is so true. I hate how guilty I feel when people speak to me on Instagram or email me and I forget to reply, I beat myself up when I don't post enough and everyone gets on at me! It's a real struggle being a blogger and unless your a blogger you don't understand the struggle! Glad someone can relate Haha!! Thanks for sharing lovely x


  15. My biggest pet peeve is when Wordpress for no reason at all, puts all your text in different fonts and sizes, when you haven't even touched those options!! It drives me crazy and I end up just posting it anyway!

    Check Out Our New Blogger Network :)

  16. this post is just so true to the dot on every point especially about the unopened stuff and having low memory, I can relate to those so much..ahh firstworldproblems indeed


  17. Haha, such a good post and I agree with all your points!
    Maddy, xo // UNSTITCHEDD

  18. I feel your pain about not being able to open products! It's just so tempting to open them all and screw the pictures.

    Tiffany Tales – A British Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  19. Ha-ha all SO true! xx


  20. Lydia this was honestly such an awesome post. And I really relate to the whole resting-bitch/needing tv marathons ALONE part!


  21. Very cute post - so honest!


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